8Bitdo Arcade Stick for Switch & Windows, Arcade Fight Stick Support Wireless Bluetooth, 2.4G

Une nouvelle vidéo de Smart Shop est apparue sur Youtube le 19 novembre 2022 et elle a reçu un gros accueil de la part des internautes.

Beaucoup d’entre-vous nous suivent depuis bien longtemps sur Allo Trends, et vous savez déjà que nous partageons très régulièrement les nouveaux contenus vidéos de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop dont notre communauté est extrêmement friande. C'est pourquoi nous avons décidé de faire un billet sur le sujet, car nous sommes sûrs que vous apprécierez cette nouvelle vidéo.

Quand nous avons vu pour la première fois la vidéo 8Bitdo Arcade Stick for Switch & Windows, Arcade Fight Stick Support Wireless Bluetooth, 2.4G de la chaîne Smart Shop, nous savions que notre communauté aimerait la regarder en streaming au plus vite. Nous nous sommes donc empressé d'écrire cet article pour le publier dans les plus brefs délais.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo 8Bitdo Arcade Stick for Switch & Windows, Arcade Fight Stick Support Wireless Bluetooth, 2.4G publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

8Bitdo Arcade Stick for Switch & Windows, Arcade Fight Stick Support Wireless Bluetooth, 2.4G
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B08GJC5WSS/?tag=hanh68-20

Compatible with Switch, Windows.
Supports ultimate software - customize button mapping and create macros
Dynamic button layout - button mapping changes with mode functionally and visually
Ultra-moddable arcade stick - Universal mounting plate supports Sanwa arcade sticks
Three ways to connect: Bluetooth, 2.4g and wired USB-C. The included 2.4g receiver has a special hidden compartment to store it safely.
Top reviews from the United States
Fantastic casual arcade stick, with room for modding if you are more of an enthusiast.
I love this arcade stick. I'm by no means an enthusiast but I love playing old arcade games with this thing. It has good heft and is very sturdy (it stood up to an assault from my five year old where she picked it up by the stick and twirled it around - still works perfectly!) It synchs flawlessly with both bluetooth and the 2.4 ghz dongle, and the battery lasts a long time. I love that when you switch between Switch and X mode that the lights on the buttons change to reflect the different layouts. This is very handy when using this in combination with my Brook Wingman XB so that I can use the arcade stick on my Xbox Series X.
While I am satisfied with the stock stick and buttons I know that more serious gamers, particularly fight game enthusiasts, might not be satisfied with them. That being said, it is fairly easy to swap out the stick, the restrictor gate, and the buttons with higher end components if you so choose. Not for everyone but nice to have the option.
8bitdo always makes high quality controllers and this one is no exception. A fantastic impulse buy that I have not regretted for a moment