Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Nintendo Switch

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Nintendo Switch publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Nintendo Switch
Amazon Product Link:

Build your community from scratch on a deserted island brimming with possibility; Create your personal getaway and customize your character, home, decorations, and even the landscape itself
Collect materials to construct everything from furniture to tools. Then, use what you create to give your island a personal touch
Watch as the time of day and seasons match real life—even your hemisphere. Each day holds potential for surprises and discoveries
Get to know the island residents, garden, fish, decorate, hunt for fossils, and more.
Show off your paradise – Play on the same system with a total of 4 people, or play together online or over local wireless for fun with up to 8 players
Top reviews from the United States
This is one of my FAVORITE games! So relaxing and positive!
Someone bought me a copy as a gift, and I enjoyed playing it so much that I bought a copy for one of my siblings so we could social distance over Animal Crossing play. I've been playing the Animal Crossing games since the early 2000s, with the original GameCube version, and then City Folk for the Wii, and I bought a DS just so I could play New Leaf. I actually bought my new Switch to play the latest incarnation, New Horizons, due to the many raves from my online friends, even though I literally just bought my 3DS last year. Keep in mind that I'm in my 30s, so I think I'm a bit older than the target audience for these games, but it's a franchise I've enjoyed since I was a kid and continue to enjoy to this day as an adult, which is one of the wonderful things about the Nintendo franchise as a whole: they're a family oriented game company with cross-appeal and hugely rich in nostalgia.

New Horizons is a bit different from previous editions in several key ways. The way that might be of most import to parents with multiple kids is that you can only have ONE FILE per game. One island. I said in my original review that only one player can play, but looking at other reviews, it seems like that might be incorrect. I don't know, because I didn't try it, but I edited my review just in case. That said, since you can decorate the whole island (more on that later) and have a house with multiple rooms, you could divide the island into quarters, so sharing is possible, but it could totally be a pain-- especially for kids who can't or won't share. Supposedly, multiple players can build multiple houses on the same island but resources are pretty sparse and there isn't THAT much to do, so it would be hard to support multiple users without a lot of compromise and co-op.