Aqua Flo 12" Pond & Aquarium Filter Media, 72" (6 Feet) Long x 1" Thick (Pink/White)

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La chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié aujourd’hui une nouvelle vidéo qui s’appelle Aqua Flo 12" Pond & Aquarium Filter Media, 72" (6 Feet) Long x 1" Thick (Pink/White). Vous voulez découvrir cette vidéo et la regarder en streaming, vous êtes chanceux on vous l’a mis de côté !

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Bon et bien c’est bientôt le moment de conclure ce papier, vous pouvez revoir la vidéo Aqua Flo 12" Pond & Aquarium Filter Media, 72" (6 Feet) Long x 1" Thick (Pink/White) si vous le souhaitez, elle devrait être encore disponible quelque temps. Avant de se dire au revoir, on vous rappelle quand même que vous pouvez regarder d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop en naviguant sur Allo Trends. Bien qu’on ait pas encore autant de contenus que Youtube, on y travaille chaque jour pour vous offrir le meilleur d’internet !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Aqua Flo 12" Pond & Aquarium Filter Media, 72" (6 Feet) Long x 1" Thick (Pink/White) publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Aqua Flo 12" Pond & Aquarium Filter Media, 72" (6 Feet) Long x 1" Thick (Pink/White)
Amazon Product Link:

Over 30 years of proven customer satisfaction with our pink filter product.
No chemicals used in production! Safe for all fresh or saltwater fish, tanks & ponds.
Easy to cut with scissors to any size needed.
Proudly Made in the USA by an American Company
This dual sided filter media consists of two layers, with the white layer being more coarse for larger particles and the pink layer which is finer to catch the smaller remaining particles.

Top reviews from the United States
Aqua-Flo 12" Pond & Aquarium Filter Media, 72" (6 Feet) Long x 1" Thick (Pink/White). I will never buy premade filter cartridges for any of my many HOB filters again. Filter maintenance doesn't have to be expensive or complicated. Depending on the size/shape of the filter pump's interior, I cut a piece roughly the size of the existing filter (sometimes a bit larger for stability), toss the old one, shove this one in there, and off we go. Sometimes I double the pad over for the guppies, since they are plentiful and messy. I don't even measure. I cram enough bio media in there that I don't have to glue this padding to the old filter pad's plastic, either -- the media and the chassis of the filter pump keep the pads I cut from this upright enough by themselves. The only trick is to make sure all of the incoming water hits the white side of the pad. And as cheap as it is, I don't have to try to stretch every pad to its max. If it's gross, I toss it. If any fish are sick, I toss it. If it looks at me funny, I toss it. I don't even need carbon to keep the water crystal clear with this stuff, which is great because now I don't have to remember to remove the carbon when I medicate my fish. I have 17 fish tanks, half of which have multiple HOB filters, and every single one is crystal clear thanks to regular tank maintenance and this filter padding.