Arkon 80mm Adhesive Mounting Disk for Car Dashboards GPS Smartphone Dashboard Disc

Nous avons découvert avec grand intérêt le 15 novembre 2022 sur la chaîne Youtube de Smart Shop une nouvelle vidéo qui pourrait vous intéresser.

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Quand nous avons vu pour la première fois la vidéo Arkon 80mm Adhesive Mounting Disk for Car Dashboards GPS Smartphone Dashboard Disc de la chaîne Smart Shop, nous savions que notre communauté aimerait la regarder en streaming au plus vite. Nous nous sommes donc empressé d'écrire cet article pour le publier dans les plus brefs délais.

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Bon et bien c’est bientôt le moment de conclure ce papier, vous pouvez revoir la vidéo Arkon 80mm Adhesive Mounting Disk for Car Dashboards GPS Smartphone Dashboard Disc si vous le souhaitez, elle devrait être encore disponible quelque temps. Dans notre plateforme, vous pourrez trouver d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop, jetez y un coup d'œil à l’occasion, c’est pratique et ça peut vous permettre de trouver des contenus que vous n’aviez jusqu'alors jamais vu encore sur le web !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Arkon 80mm Adhesive Mounting Disk for Car Dashboards GPS Smartphone Dashboard Disc publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Arkon 80mm Adhesive Mounting Disk for Car Dashboards GPS Smartphone Dashboard Disc
Amazon Product Link:

The AP013 80mm adhesive mounting disk allows you to mount an Arkon or third-party 70mm windshield suction mounting pedestal to your car’s dashboard, including Arkon’s mounting pedestal models GN079WD-SBH, GN068WD-SBH, GN022-SBH, GN014-SBH, GN015-SBH, and GN042-SBH. (Note that the disc is meant to be a bit larger than the mount to ensure a secure fit.) This package includes only the adhesive disk (mounting pedestals sold separately). To apply the adhesive disk to the car’s dashboard, simply remove the paper backing from the back of the plastic 3M dash mount disc, then place and press down on a previously cleaned surface. (Use included alcohol pad to ensure mounting area is clean and free of any dashboard conditioners or other treatments. For best results, allow 24 hours for the disk adhesive to cure on the dashboard before securing the base of the mount to the center of the disk.) While this disk is meant to be a semi-permanent solution, the disk can be removed from the dash by applying a generous amount of rubbing alcohol or similar adhesive removal product to the area with a cotton swab. Let the liquid saturate the area, then work a long piece of dental floss under the disk to cut through the adhesive until the disk is removed. For a 90mm disk to use with 80mm suction mounts, see Arkon Model AP020.
Top reviews from the United States
Perfect for what I needed, thank you!
Perfect! I bought a cell phone holder from Samsung, cost a good chunk of change, but only came with one disc. Well, what do you do when the car gets sold? Buy another $70 phone holder? Nope. Just get three of these replacement discs and keep 'em in a drawer. I've got one on the dash and one on my recorder stand indoors (I'm a musician, and use my smart phone as an mp3 player). So yea, great find here. Get the right size for you though. This size fits my Samsung S4 dashboard holder nicely. Other sizes of these stick on discs, wont fit the S4 holder. But yours may NEED a different size, so measure it. TIP: I hear a lot about it falling off the dashboard because the sticky lets go in the heat. Well, maybe, I dont know, because having read that I took all possible precautions. I dont LEAVE the holder stuck to the disc in the hot car, so it doesnt have weight on it to pull it off if the sticky heats up. ALSO it can make all the difference, if you just DO what instructions say to the letter. If it tells you to leave it 24 hours before you use it, do so! In fact if you can give it a week, even better (glue hardens as it ages!). Plus you need to make sure the surface is as clean and bone dry as possible, so it adheres as best it can in the first place. Good luck. Mine have been working great for a year now.