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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Arm & Hammer Complete Care Pet Toothpaste for Dog Breath, Pet Toothbrush, Dog Dental Care publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Arm & Hammer Complete Care Pet Toothpaste for Dog Breath, Pet Toothbrush, Dog Dental Care
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DID YOU KNOW AROUND 40% OF CATS HAVE DENTAL DISEASE? Dental disease causes pain and discomfort daily, but pets are pros at hiding it. Regularly brushing your cat's teeth reduces plaque and tartar that cause dental disease and cat bad breath
CAT DENTAL KIT - This dental kit for cats has everything you need to brush your cat's teeth: tuna flavored cat toothpaste, a standard cat toothbrush, and a finger toothbrush for cats
NEVER USE HUMAN TOOTHPASTE ON PETS - Human toothpastes may contain ingredients like xylitol that are toxic to animals. Instead, give them what they need AND what they want - delicious tuna-flavored toothpaste for cats! Safe as a cat or kitten toothpaste
CAT TOOTHPASTE INFUSED WITH BAKING SODA - This toothpaste for cats leverages Arm & Hammer Baking Soda to help clean and protect your cat's teeth and freshen cat breath
TWO TYPES OF CAT TOOTHBRUSH - This kit includes a dual-headed toothbrush for cats as well as a finger toothbrush for cats, which is easy to slip over your finger and rub and clean your cat's gums
Top reviews from the United States
I've had several dogs over the course of my lifetime and I KNOW that they really don't like you messing with their mouths! I purchased this kit for my miniature poodle that I recently adopted. I didn't know much about his past dental history except that he had to have several teeth removed prior to my adopting him from a rescue center. This dental kit came with easy to understand instructions on how to gradually get dogs accustomed to dental care. I'm happy to report that my little dog seems to love the taste of the enzymatic, meat flavored toothpaste and doesn't even try to get a drink of water afterwards! I clean his teeth prior to bedtime and at least I know that this toothpaste will be working overnight in his mouth! His breath doesn't stink so I wanna believe that this helping keep him healthy!