Best Friends by Sheri Cuddle Cup Ilan Cozy Microfiber Cat and Dog Bed in Standard Tide Pool

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Best Friends by Sheri Cuddle Cup Ilan Cozy Microfiber Cat and Dog Bed in Standard Tide Pool publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Best Friends by Sheri Cuddle Cup Ilan Cozy Microfiber Cat and Dog Bed in Standard Tide Pool

Amazon Product Link:

MAXIMUM COMFORT: Super-soft and perfect for snuggling we overstuff our luxury dog beds to give the cozy factor an extra boost! The round shape allows animals to curl up while the high-wall design helps create a feeling of safety promoting more restful sleep and supporting better health and behavior
SUPPORTIVE STRUCTURE: Filled with high-quality CoziLoft fibers our cat and dog bed offers relief for stiff joints and tired muscles! Its plush rim provides an ideal head rest and its deep crevices are perfect for pets that like to burrow. Your pets will take comfort throughout the night in the self-warming faux fur lining.
EASY TO CLEAN: Thanks to our stylish color range of high-quality fabrics, finding a dog cushion that suits your home is easier than ever! Our beds are machine washable and dryer safe. The dirt and water-resistant bottoms will aid in protecting your floors from accidental messes and quick cleanups.
PET-SAFE MATERIALS: To ensure the safety of all animals we make our dog beds with premium grade pet-safe mircoplush exterior, self-warming faux fur interior, and a tough nylon bottom! Flexible and lightweight, they withstand just about anything pets put them through.
RECOMMENDED SIZE: We suggest the Standard size (17x17x9”) for small dogs or cats up to 12 lbs and the Jumbo size (24x24x10”) for medium dogs and cats up to 35 lbs. and
Top reviews from the United States
Great snuggle bed for my doggie….9 lb. shimalt!
This was the exact bed my dog had when we brought her home at 12 weeks old. Lucy always loved this bed. She actually wore it out. Wanted to replace it and hunted high and low…then found on Amazon. Same bed, same color…she loves it!