beyondGREEN Plant-Based Cat Litter Poop Waste Pick-Up Bags with Handles - 100 Bags - 8 in x 16 in

Nous avons découvert avec grand intérêt le 22 août 2022 sur la chaîne Youtube de Smart Shop une nouvelle vidéo qui pourrait vous intéresser.

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Comme bien souvent lorsque la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop poste un nouveau contenu sur internet, vous pouvez le trouver sur notre site. Pour regarder la toute dernière vidéo qui s’appelle “beyondGREEN Plant-Based Cat Litter Poop Waste Pick-Up Bags with Handles - 100 Bags - 8 in x 16 in”, c’est juste en haut !

Et comme on pouvait s’y attendre, la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop fait un tabac sur les premiers retours qu’on a pu lire ! Elle réussit à intéresser de nombreux internautes, ce qui n’est pas toujours facile au vu de la quantité de contenus qu’on trouve maintenant sur internet ainsi que sur les applications telles que TikTok, Facebook ou Instagram.

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On espère que vous avez aimé cette vidéo et qu'on ne s'était pas trompé en vous la proposant, en effet beyondGREEN Plant-Based Cat Litter Poop Waste Pick-Up Bags with Handles - 100 Bags - 8 in x 16 in est une vidéo qui intéresse bon nombre des internautes en ce moment. Dans notre plateforme, vous pourrez trouver d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop, jetez y un coup d'œil à l’occasion, c’est pratique et ça peut vous permettre de trouver des contenus que vous n’aviez jusqu'alors jamais vu encore sur le web !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo beyondGREEN Plant-Based Cat Litter Poop Waste Pick-Up Bags with Handles - 100 Bags - 8 in x 16 in publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

beyondGREEN Plant-Based Cat Litter Poop Waste Pick-Up Bags with Handles - 100 Bags - 8 in x 16 in

Amazon Produc Link:

EASY TO USE: Simply scoop your cat or kitten’s poop from the litter box into our handled and gusseted waste cleanup bags. Once done, tie the handles together to create a seal and dispose of in the trash!
EASY TO USE: Simply scoop your cat or kitten’s poop from the litter box into our handled and gusseted waste cleanup bags. Once done, tie the handles together to create a seal and dispose of in the trash!
UNSCENTED: There is no need to mask the poop smell with scented bags, as long as their odor-proof! Once tied properly, these bags will hold in the worst of cat, dog, or any pet’s poop smell
LEAK-PROOF: These premium quality bags are made with durability in mind and have an exceptional strength and tear resistance standard
OUR PACKAGING: Made with FSC Certified Paper and Recyclable
CERTIFIED: Our bags are Certified by USDA, TUV OK HOME Compost and OK Compost Industrial as per EN 13432 (European Standard), and are also approved by Compost Manufacturing Alliance
Top reviews from the United States
These bags are fabulous!
I am very environmentally conscious. In a multi-cat household (5 cats), with 5 litter boxes, finding an eco friendly option to dispose of cat waste is challenging. Most others I looked at (and bought once) before buying these were very narrow, and meant to use when cleaning up your dog's waste while in public places. Those don't allow you to fit the litter scooper inside at all, and can get messy real quick. But these compostable litter bags are perfect! They are plenty large enough to fit the scoop inside the bag, with room to spare, and they are easy to tie up and just throw away. They also do a great job of containing the odors too. They are big and very sturdy! I can usually clean out all 5 litter boxes and use only one bag, which is great. It seems like the box lasts forever. You get 100 bags per box, the price is great, and they are compostable. I feel so much better using these as opposed to plastic bags. Highly recommend!!!