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Aujourd'hui, 12 octobre 2022, la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié un nouveau contenu qui porte comme titre Bunny Blast Yucca Chew Toy. Si vous souhaitez regarder cette vidéo en streaming, vous êtes tombé au bon endroit !
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Normalement si vous êtes encore en train de lire cet article, c’est que la vidéo Bunny Blast Yucca Chew Toy a dû vous faire plaisir et qu’on ne s’est pas trompé en vous incitant à la regarder. Lorsqu'on écrit un article et qu’on voit qu’il fait des vues car il plaît à notre communauté, on a qu’une hâte, c’est de réussir à vous convaincre de revenir nous lire plus souvent ! Alors faites nous plaisir et repassez régulièrement sur Allo Trends pour suivre d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop.
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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Bunny Blast Yucca Chew Toy publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Bunny Blast Yucca Chew Toy
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B004TS23RW/?tag=hanh68-20
The Ultimate Rolling Bunny Chew Toy. Made from all natural dried yucca (NOT YUCA, which is poisonous). The BunnyBlast is 100-percent biodegradable. Bunnies will roll, toss and chew the natural, soft inner core of this toy for hours of fun.To assure the Bunny Blast is completely 100% natural, we do not use any chemical processing. Therefore we bake allraw material with heat in a kiln. By heating to a core temperature of 60 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes, the processnaturally eradicates/kills any and all pests and organisms. Any dark coloration/scarring on Bunny Blast was caused bymicroflora that is omnipresent on Earth. It once was alive - but is now dead and all that is left is the scarring, much like thescarring on an organic apple.
Top reviews from the United States
My budgies loved the snot out of this!
I was looking for the cheapest yucca For could find. I keep a kabob swing in their cage, and they do enjoy sitting on it in winter and chewing it all year, but their chewing tends to drop off sharply as the kabob pieces start to get smaller. They just don’t want to shove their beaks into those smaller spaces. I wanted to find more yucca that they could chew and this was the largest, cheapest piece I could find at the time. I worried that the holes would be a dangerous size, but it turns out they’re roughly 1 3/8”, which is definitely more than large enough to be safe on their heads.
A little crushed millet in some of the top holes convinced them that the toy was safe and fun, and they went to town. Within a few days they had cored the thing completely. I’ll definitely have to get more of these! It’s nice that the holes on every side discourage nesting behavior in the shell afterwards, too. (Remember: if your parrot isn’t destroying a toy it’s not playing with it!) I wish it lasted longer, but I’ll definitely be adding it to my Subscribe & Save.