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Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de retrouver la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui s’appelle tout simplement Call of Duty: Black Ops - Xbox 360. Si vous l’avez apprécié, n'hésitez pas à like le contenu pour ainsi soutenir l’auteur de la vidéo !
Et comme on pouvait s’y attendre, la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop fait un tabac sur les premiers retours qu’on a pu lire ! Elle réussit à intéresser de nombreux internautes, ce qui n’est pas toujours facile au vu de la quantité de contenus qu’on trouve maintenant sur internet ainsi que sur les applications telles que TikTok, Facebook ou Instagram.
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Toute la rédaction souhaite que vous ayez aimé cet article, ainsi que la vidéo Call of Duty: Black Ops - Xbox 360 que vous avez découvert aujourd’hui à nos côtés. Nous espérons vous retrouver au plus vite sur Allo Trends, d’ici là vous allez pouvoir regarder d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop en cherchant un peu sur notre plateforme dédiée. Si vous avez déjà fait le tour, allez sur Youtube, le contenu y est quasi infini !
Mesdames et messieurs, nous arrivons à la fin de cet article Allo Trends, nous espérons que vous avez pris beaucoup de plaisir à lire, enfin au moins autant que nous on a eu à l’écrire !
À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Call of Duty: Black Ops - Xbox 360 publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Call of Duty: Black Ops - Xbox 360
Amazon Product Link:
Wide array of play modes including single player, local multiplayer versus and online co op and multiplayer
Seventh installment of the call of duty series, based on the live fire conflicts of the cold war era
Diverse variety of play setting ranging from urban air and ground combat in se asia, to snow combat in soviet region and jungle combat
Blending of traditional cod, and new first person character scenarios designed to both retain the essence of the cod gaming experience
New arsenal of weapons and vehicles tied to the cold war era, including the sr 71 blackbird and sited explosive tipped crossbows
And ensure constantly flowing and varied action
The newest installment in the biggest action series of all time and the follow up to last year's blockbuster Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops launches on November 9, 2010.
Top reviews from the United States
An extensive review for Call of Duty Black Ops (focused on Multiplayer)
Wow, there seem to be an abnormal amount of haters for this game. Call of Duty Black Ops (BO) is a good game, I am not sure why people are rating it so low. After reading many of these reviews, it seems that people have no idea how to logically rate a game, in fact, I would be so bold to say that regardless of the reasons given, it boils down to the fact that many people don't like this simply because it's different and more balanced then MW2. I personally feel that most of the changes made in BO are for the better.
The single player campaign is told in a more cohesive way and the story is pretty good, it doesn't have many of the "wow moments" that MW2 had, but it's still exciting nonetheless and has more of an emotional impact when it comes to your NPC team members. It's about the length you would expect (5-7 hours) and there is an unlockable zombie mode upon completion.
The meat of many COD games is the multiplayer and this is something BO excels at. Not only do you earn experience points but you also earn COD points which is a form of currency the game utilizes (think Counter Strike). This allows you to unlock what you want when you want it, it should be noted that some weapons are still only unlocked at certain experience levels, but you still have to buy them with your currency to use them. It works well, although, I prefer the old system better of just unlocking new weapons as you level up as I find that the currency system lacks the addiction found in MW2 systems. It's still fun and it leads to the biggest changes of the game which come in the form of `wager matches'. Not only can you use that currency to buy weapons, sites, camo, killstreaks, etc..., but you can also use it as a down payment to enter a wager match hoping to come out of the match with more money then you had going in. It's a fun system and something that works well later on in the game when you have currency to spare. It certainly makes for some tense games when you have money on the line.