Catit Play Cat Treat Puzzle, Interactive Cat Toy, 43010, White

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Catit Play Cat Treat Puzzle, Interactive Cat Toy, 43010, White publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Catit Play Cat Treat Puzzle, Interactive Cat Toy, 43010, White
Amazon Product Link:

Cat slow feeder that encourages your cat to work for their dry cat food or cat treats
Cat puzzle feeder has 6 fun activities to increase cat enrichment activities
Prevents cats from binge eating and throwing up as a result
Easy to disassemble and clean; we recommend that you hand wash with warm water and soap
Cat feeder toy is made of BPA-free materials
Age range description: All Life Stages
The Catit Play Treat Puzzle is a slow interactive cat feeder with 6 fun activities to encourage your cat to work for its cat food! Activities include treat tubes, pyramid forest, treat cave, cat slow feeder bubbles, cat food spiral, and cat tunnels. Place cat dry treats or cat kibble in the different cat bowl puzzle parts and let the fun begin! This cat food puzzle feeder entices cats to paw out food and prevents binge eating and throwing up as a result. It also encourages cats to work for dry food or treats in a fun and natural manner. As cats are true hunters, they need to be able to search and locate food; the cat feeder toy incorporates this idea with a smart design that activates your cat's natural foraging behavior during playtime. Hiding dry kibble or treats in the puzzle plays on a cat's instincts to sniff and paw, while also acting as a cat slow feeder so they eat smaller portions. The Catit Play Treat Puzzle is easy to disassemble, and clean plus is made of BPA-free materials. Catit is focused on creating cat enrichment toys and activities for all cats especially indoor cats. Cat toys for indoor cats should encourage a cat’s natural foraging and hunting behaviors. The Catit product lines have created a wide variety of cat toys with this in mind. To complete your cat supplies pair this item with some of the other Catit products including interactive cat toys, cat trees, cat brushes, cat beds, cat towers, cat litter, cat litter box with lids, cat litter deodorizers, cat litter mats, cat scratching posts, cat carriers, cat furniture, cat grass, cat food bowls, cat dishes, cat cubes, cat trees and towers, cat houses, cat condos, cat boxes, catnip, cat feeders, cat towers, cat beds, cat food mats, cat harnesses, cat leashes, cat collars, cat grooming tools, cat food, cat water fountains, cat treats and more cat accessories.

Top reviews from the United States.
This designer understands my always-hungry cat
Usually my cat would gulp down his dry food in under 5 minutes and ask me for more right away. The same amount of food lasts over 20 minutes with this puzzle feeder. Easy to clean, the cat is engaged and busy while I'm cooking dinner, and he seems more satisfied afterward.
Plus, I like its sculptural appearance - kind of fun and different to have around, and surprisingly easy to clean.
It's large but it's flat, so I can slide it onto a low shelf when not using it. I don't bring it out every day, so when it does appear, it's new and interesting to the cat.