Checkups- Dental Dog Treats, 24ct 48 oz. for Dogs 20+ pounds

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Comme bien souvent lorsque la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop poste un nouveau contenu sur internet, vous pouvez le trouver sur notre site. Pour regarder la toute dernière vidéo qui s’appelle “Checkups- Dental Dog Treats, 24ct 48 oz. for Dogs 20+ pounds”, c’est juste en haut !

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Avant de se quitter, on espère déjà que la vidéo Checkups- Dental Dog Treats, 24ct 48 oz. for Dogs 20+ pounds vous a plu, ou qu’elle a répondu en temps cas à vos attentes. Le saviez-vous ? Sur Youtube, vous pouvez trouver d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop qui ont pu être uploadé par d’autres utilisateurs et qui ne sont pas encore référencés sur Allo Trends. Si jamais vous êtes curieux, allez y faire un tour, on ne sait jamais !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Checkups- Dental Dog Treats, 24ct 48 oz. for Dogs 20+ pounds publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Checkups- Dental Dog Treats, 24ct 48 oz. for Dogs 20+ pounds

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Dental dog treats
Wheat gluten free
Freshens breath
Reduces plaque by 25%
Reduces tartar by 62%
Top reviews from the United States
Last year the Vet that was working with us wanted to know how we keep our 7 and 9 year old Dachshund's teeth in such good shape?
I have been using these bones for six years for both of my dachshunds. I have been telling my vet about them for years and the clinic we go to has 7 vets. Last year the Vet that was working with us wanted to know how we keep our 7 and 9 year old Dachshund's teeth in such good shape? He noticed that we had never had any dental work on them. I told him about Check-ups. He brought two of the other Vet's in the office and asked them to describe the look of the teeth and describe their health to him. Then he asked them to theorize and speculate on the type of preventive treatment they have had or actual procedures. They first reasoned that Dachshunds typically have dental problems because of the length of their mouths and that the back teeth are not exposed as much in normal proportioned dog mouths.
When I told them we do not brush their teeth or do anything but use Check-ups, he immediately said. In my practice of 18 years I have never seen Dachshund teeth or for that matter any dogs teeth look this healthy at this age by any type of means. Yet I am today going to tell you your dogs teeth are in very good condition, shockingly so. The other two Vets agreed. They had never heard of Check-ups and I brought in the bag that afternoon to show them. I told them that my dogs love these bones over all other treats. I give 1/4 of a bone to them in the morning and the evening. They both wiegh in at about 18 or 20 #'s.