Et oui, la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a encore le droit à un article sur Allo Trends aujourd’hui, et en même temps c’est tout à fait logique vu la passion que met notre communauté à chaque fois qu’une nouvelle vidéo est disponible sur internet. Voilà pourquoi nous vous écrivons aujourd’hui cet article, car on sait déjà que cela va susciter votre intérêt.
Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de retrouver la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui s’appelle tout simplement Chris Christensen White on White Dog Shampoo, Groom Like a Professional, Brightens White & Other. Si vous l’avez apprécié, n'hésitez pas à like le contenu pour ainsi soutenir l’auteur de la vidéo !
Et comme on pouvait s’y attendre, la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop fait un tabac sur les premiers retours qu’on a pu lire ! Elle réussit à intéresser de nombreux internautes, ce qui n’est pas toujours facile au vu de la quantité de contenus qu’on trouve maintenant sur internet ainsi que sur les applications telles que TikTok, Facebook ou Instagram.
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Vous avez maintenant toutes les informations sur la vidéo Chris Christensen White on White Dog Shampoo, Groom Like a Professional, Brightens White & Other, on espère que ça vous convient et que vous y avez trouvé votre intérêt. Nous croisons les doigts pour que vous reveniez très vite sur Allo Trends pour suivre les prochaines vidéos de Smart Shop, pensez à aller faire un tour aussi sur Youtube pour trouver d’autres contenus exclusifs.
Il est maintenant temps de nous quitter, merci d’avoir lu cet article, on se revoit très vite sur Allo Trends !
À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Chris Christensen White on White Dog Shampoo, Groom Like a Professional, Brightens White & Other publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Chris Christensen White on White Dog Shampoo, Groom Like a Professional, Brightens White & Other
Amazon Product Link:
TREATMENT Shampoo - unlike other whitening shampoos, White on White is an optic intensifying treatment within a shampoo
BENEFITS - removes yellow stains, whitening whites, and brightening all other coat colors
SAFE - no bleaching agents or harsh chemicals
BREEDS - All Coat Types and Colors
WHY CHRIS CHRISTENSEN - It all started in 1996 when Chris Christensen developed the first true color correcting shampoo for canines and felines. White on White was a catalyst in the evolution of canine coat care. The momentum that followed has allowed Chris Christensen Systems to bring you the finest grooming products ever available in the dog show and pet care worlds.
Top reviews from the United States
Coming to the groomer next time.
The next time my Maltese (all white dog) goes to the groomer, I'm bringing this with me.
I have done a lot of reading about the best ways to keep my white dog white, for years now.
I'm not one to but something like a shampoo online unless I am familiar with the product already. After reading rave reviews, to decided to take the chance with this one. I'm very glad I decided to give it a try. I really like the smell, which may not be as big of a deal to some people, but for me it means difference in getting a migraine or not.
The directions state to leave the product sit on the dog for 10 minutes. After rinsing, if the dog has a spot that is still dingy looking, you can apply some shampoo to that one area and wait 5 more minutes. Now, I must little girl looked cold so I did not wait the whole 10 minutes for the shampoo to do its best job. I actually rinsed my dog off after only 5 minutes then I took her to do what she hates more...blow drying (LOL). As I was drying her hair it became clear to me that her coat was in fact, whiter than it was before. I can't hardly wait to bathe her again...this time I'll make sure the room is nice an warn for her so I can wait the whole 10 minutes.
The second thing I noticed, while drying her, was that it didn't take very long, at all, to dry her. I have no explanation for this. No where on the bottle does it say anything about this shampoo having the added bonus of faster drying time but it should. If my dog could talk she would probably say that was her favorite part.
After she was all clean and dry, I just waited. Sure enough, it didn't take long for other members of the house to notice that the dog looked whiter and that her hair was in great condition.
If you have found this review to be helpful please click "yes" below so that taking the time to write these reviews is a helpful thing to do and I'm not just wasting my time. Thanks.