ChuckIt! Strato Ball, Medium, 2 Pack

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Pour regarder la vidéo ChuckIt! Strato Ball, Medium, 2 Pack qui a été postée aujourd’hui par la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop, cliquez sur la vidéo juste en haut. Vous pourrez ainsi la découvrir en streaming gratuitement directement sur notre site !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo ChuckIt! Strato Ball, Medium, 2 Pack publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

ChuckIt! Strato Ball, Medium, 2 Pack

Amazon Product Link:

Made from natural rubber, the strato ball bounces higher, flies farther floats higher than most other balls
For even more fun, this two-pack of balls can be used with the Medium CHUCKIT ball launcher
Designed for a high bounce, high visibility high durability
Use in the park, backyard or anywhere there is plenty of room
Easy to clean
Top reviews from the United States
My Baby loves his new baby!
Finally! A ball my 107 lb pitty/pointer mix can’t destroy. He has torn up every single “indestructible” toy in a day or so until now. He peels fabric and fur off non-rubber toys. He is a 4-legged shredder. I’ve added pictures of him for a size reference of my dog versus this product. I know I had wanted that when shopping for this item.

This ball is now his beloved “baby.” He goes absolutely insane looking for it, chewing it, chasing it, and even sleeping with it. He won’t rest unless he knows exactly where it is. It is his only toy, and he is good with that. After getting this home, I tried giving him other choices, but he won’t touch them.

I was worried that he would rip it apart by putting his teeth in the holes, but so far, not a scratch. It is soft enough to collapse just enough to keep it from cracking when his jaws crush it but not so soft that he can rip it to sheds. The holes are large enough to prevent a suction or vacuum effect on his tongue or mouth. For his size jaws, it is a perfect fit. Other dogs might have problems with suction or be able to get their teeth in those holes and rip it apart. Who knows?

The older version of the Chuckit squeaky ball was his favorite for the year and a half he had it, but the way they make them now, he peels off the orange triangle in hours flat, the squeaker falls out (choking hazard), and then he rips it apart.

I’m going to stock up on these. I can’t imagine how crazy he will be if they ever stop production or change the materials.