Ciays Cat Water Fountain, Automatic Pet Water Fountain, 84oz/2.5L

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Ciays Cat Water Fountain, Automatic Pet Water Fountain, 84oz/2.5L
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Cat Water Fountain of Health - Cats are naturally drawn to running water. Three water flow modes provide your cat with drinking fresh running water. Increase your cat's water intake to maintain that healthy goodness. Plus, cat fountains can be a delightful way to entertain your companion.
Goodness in Flavor and Scent - Cats and dogs both have an top notch sense of smell. The sponge captures bulky contaminants like pet fur and debris. The ion exchange resin layer softens tap water, and the activated carbon removes nasty flavors and scents. Provide your furry buddy with fresh and squeaky clean healthy water.
Keeping it Cool - The quiet and low consumption pump circulates the water which will cool the water by 1-2 degrees colder than a standard water bowl. The cool water will lure your buddy to keep topped up in the hot summer. Regular drinking helps prevent health issues as well as an unpleasant vet bill.
Ultra-quiet Pump - The pump on Ciays water dispenser is ultra-quiet (below 40dB) and has low-energy consumption, which can last more than 2 years. Both you and your pet can enjoy a good night's sleep. Please clean the pump and change the filter every two weeks for the health of your pets. Please search "B09SZ34PHN" to buy the replacement filters. NOTE: If the pump makes a loud noise, it may be the water level is too low.
My Follower! Refill my Bowl - Pets need different amounts of water, depending on their size and the type of food they eat. CIAYS pet fountains can hold water up to 2.5 liters. Your four-legged friends will not go thirsty whether you’re at home or out and about. Especially if you have several fluffy friends!

Top reviews from the United States
Cat loves it!
My cat constantly would tip over his water bowl and splash water around. I am not sure why, but he likes movement in his water. Once I got this fountain, he hasn't spilt water since! He loves it and drank from it for about 2 minutes straight when I first filled it for him. It is super easy to put together and take apart for cleaning. With how much my cat drinks, I have to fill it up every 2 days or so. I have noticed that after about 3 months of using it, that there is a noticeable decline in power of how strong the water flows once the fountain is full, but it still pours and does the job. I recommend and will be getting another once this one needs replacement.