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Comme bien souvent lorsque la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop poste un nouveau contenu sur internet, vous pouvez le trouver sur notre site. Pour regarder la toute dernière vidéo qui s’appelle “Cigar 3 Pack: Yeowww! 100% Organic Catnip Cigar Toys”, c’est juste en haut !
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On est bientôt à la fin de la news sur la vidéo Cigar 3 Pack: Yeowww! 100% Organic Catnip Cigar Toys, toute l’équipe Allo Trends espère que vous l’avez trouvé intéressante à lire. Nous croisons les doigts pour que vous reveniez très vite sur Allo Trends pour suivre les prochaines vidéos de Smart Shop, pensez à aller faire un tour aussi sur Youtube pour trouver d’autres contenus exclusifs.
C’est fini, on remballe ! A bientôt pour un nouvel article sur votre site préféré : Allo Trends évidemment !
À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Cigar 3 Pack: Yeowww! 100% Organic Catnip Cigar Toys publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Cigar 3 Pack: Yeowww! 100% Organic Catnip Cigar Toys
Amazon Product Link:
This pack contains 3 (THREE) Yeowww! brand 100% Organic Catnip Cigar toys sealed in plastic to maintain freshness. Each is about 7 inches long and there are no fillers in these toys. No cotton fibers or "toy-grade" catnip either. Just 100% YEOWWW! Brand Organic Catnip! The most potent catnip in the world! WARNING: These fabric cigars are so real you'll think they came from Cuba, but don't worry, they are made in the USA! All YEOWWW! Brand Catnip and Toys should be used under the supervision of an adult (cool) cat only! Cigars are not for smoking except by an adult cat who know how to use a lighter.
Top reviews from the United States
My cats love these
My mom had a set of toys from this brand and when my cats visited her house they fell in love with these toys. Not sure what it is about this catnip but they go gahgah for it. The only downside is that my cat has chewed through one of their toys and my female cat gets aggressive toward the male cat when he comes near her toy. I would highly suggest buying a multipack and making sure that there is at least 1 toy per cat (maybe an extra just to be safe). Keep an eye on your cats when you first introduce this to them to make sure they aren't violent to one another. I found that if i had a toy to stick in front of the other they quickly gave up on the aggressive behavior but if you aren't keeping an eye out for them you might not know it's happening.