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Pour regarder la vidéo Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract Clumping Clay Cat Litter qui a été postée aujourd’hui par la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop, cliquez sur la vidéo juste en haut. Vous pourrez ainsi la découvrir en streaming gratuitement directement sur notre site !
La vidéo est actuellement en vogue sur le web et pourrait se retrouver au top dans les tendances de la plateforme de VOD de Google. Après son upload il y a à peine 30 minutes par la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop, beaucoup d’internautes ont commencé à la regarder avec grand intérêt. C’est d’ailleurs souvent comme ça sur cette chaîne qui publie régulièrement des vidéos semblables à celle dont nous vous parlons aujourd’hui.
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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract Clumping Clay Cat Litter publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract Clumping Clay Cat Litter
Amazon Product Link:
PREMIUM QUALITY: A combination of premium texture and granule size made with 100% bentonite clay for maximum clumping creates litter particles that are just the right size.
HARD CLUMPING: Hard clumping medium grain clay helps prevent moisture from reaching the bottom of the tray and forms hard clumps that won't break down, making it easier to scoop.
LOW DUST & LOW TRACKING: Ideal for cats and owners who suffer from allergies with a 99% dust-free and hypoallergenic litter formulation that helps keep litter in the box where it belongs.
SUPERIOR ODOR CONTROL: Formulated for single or multi-cat households with natural ingredients to keep your home smelling clean and fresh between litter box cleanings.
NATURAL HERBAL ATTRACTANT: Blended with a natural herb attractant, the ideal texture and particle size combine to solve litter box problems by bringing cats back to their litter box.
Top reviews from the United States
FINALLY a solution!
I have been having issues with one of my three cats for over two years now. He has been to the vet multiple times and we have established that the issue of him going outside of the litter box is mental, not physical. I have tried everything to get Tyson to use the box. I tried plug-in pheromones, I tried the anxiety vest, I tried rehoming him and I tried medicating him. Nothing worked. The place he went to be rehomed didn't work because the same problem happened there (my thinking was that maybe a change of scenery would help him) and I had made a promise that I would take him back if it didn't work out. I'm not even sure how I found this litter, but I'm so happy I did. Tyson has been using it without fail for about a week now. I'm very optimistic that this is a game changer! It isn't the absolute best at odour control and it is definitely heavy, however, the pros far outweigh the cons for me.