Energizer Compact Rechargeable Emergency LED Flashlight, Plug-in Power Outage Light

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Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de retrouver la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui s’appelle tout simplement Energizer Compact Rechargeable Emergency LED Flashlight, Plug-in Power Outage Light. Si vous l’avez apprécié, n'hésitez pas à like le contenu pour ainsi soutenir l’auteur de la vidéo !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Energizer Compact Rechargeable Emergency LED Flashlight, Plug-in Power Outage Light publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Energizer Compact Rechargeable Emergency LED Flashlight, Plug-in Power Outage Light
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B07PHQF4HY/?tag=hanamz5-20

[IDEAL EMERGENCY FLASHLIGHT]: This Energizer WeatheReady Compact Rechargeable LED Flashlight plugs into any outlet—the ideal design for rechargeable flashlights in a power outage
[EASY TO FIND]: This plug in flashlight is easy to find when you need it. The compact flashlight turns on automatically when the power goes out—so it's easy to find in the dark
[GREAT FOR POWER OUTAGES AND OUTDOOR USE]: Plug in this reliable emergency flashlight to prepare for power outages—or keep it near the door for routine outdoor use such as taking out the trash and walking the dog
[RECHARGEABLE]: With no batteries to replace, this rechargeable flashlight is always ready to shine. The bright LED beam reaches up to 30 meters and runs for up to 3 hours on a full charge to ensure you have light when you need it
[EASY TO CARRY]: The retractable plug provides a comfortable grip, and the compact design is lightweight for easy carrying
[DURABLE]: This flashlight is designed with an LED light and a NiMH battery that never need to be replaced, giving you dependability in your emergency plans
Top reviews from the United States
Easiest way to add emergency power outage lighting to your house.
I searched around for hard mounted emergency lights that would come on when the power goes out, they're all expensive and they all require a battery pack that has to be mounted behind the wall / ceiling, and that battery won't last forever. These flashlights are a MUCH better solution. Plug them in in every room of your house wherever you have an unused outlet, then when the power goes out they turn on automatically to light your way around the house so you don't trip on anything. The only thing I'd change is I wish they had several LEDs along the body instead of one on the end, that way it would act as a lantern instead of a flashlight.