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Aujourd'hui, 13 août 2022, la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié un nouveau contenu qui porte comme titre Everlasting Treat For Dogs, Natural Hickory Smoke, Medium. Si vous souhaitez regarder cette vidéo en streaming, vous êtes tombé au bon endroit !
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Et voilà, on arrive bientôt à la fin de cet article, vous venez de découvrir tout ce qu’on savait à propos de la vidéo Everlasting Treat For Dogs, Natural Hickory Smoke, Medium. Nous croisons les doigts pour que vous reveniez très vite sur Allo Trends pour suivre les prochaines vidéos de Smart Shop, pensez à aller faire un tour aussi sur Youtube pour trouver d’autres contenus exclusifs.
Et voilà c’est déjà fini, on se revoit très bientôt sur Allo Trends pour un nouvel article. Bisous bisous !
À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Everlasting Treat For Dogs, Natural Hickory Smoke, Medium publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Everlasting Treat For Dogs, Natural Hickory Smoke, Medium
Amazon Product Link:
Quality And Performance Driven Products For Your Pet
Tested For Safety And Health
Provide A Better Quality Of Living For Your Pet With Starmark
Natural, edible, digestible ingredients
Extreme palatability
Use as a tasty snack or with the Everlasting Treat Ball
Great for keeping teeth clean
2 treats per package
Top reviews from the United States
Every dog should try these!
I absolutely love the Starmark Bento ball and these refills. These definitely keep my dog busy and happy.
These fit perfectly in the bento ball and depending on how excited my dog is, I put these in the Bento ball either facing down or up. These treat come in concave/cone shape that's raised on one side and caved in on the other side. If you face these up with the raised side up, your dog will finish these faster and these are more enticing that way. If you face it down, with the raised side faced down, it will take your dog longer to finish these. In the beginning I would face these up.
My dog loves this flavor and hates the bacon flavor which is odd since he loves everything else with a bacon taste or smell. You'll have to see what flavors your dog likes.
Just keep in mind that these are quite big (I get the large size for my large dog) so you have to monitor your dog to see how he's doing with these. A friend said her dog got sick with this treat the first time they gave it to her. But in her case that was only because they her this new treat and let her finish it. Any new food or treat has to be introduced to a dog slowly or it could make them sick. I give this to my dog but take it away after 20 minutes. My dog doesn't mind because I take it way and give him a tiny, better treat. My friend did the same with her dog and her dog never got sick with these again. When you take this bento ball away, the treat dries out so it lasts longer. Otherwise the treat gets softer while the dog plays with it and easier to finish.
The bento balls are very very resilient. My dog breaks his toys within hours or days and the bento ball only has tiny tears on it after a year. Between the starmark treats, I put treats in the ball for my dog to play with.
As for the smell of these treats, they all smell strong and horrible but I prefer this smell over others.