Fluval Motor Seal Ring for FX6 High Performance Canister Filter, Aquarium Filter Replacement Part

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La chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié aujourd’hui une nouvelle vidéo qui s’appelle Fluval Motor Seal Ring for FX6 High Performance Canister Filter, Aquarium Filter Replacement Part. Vous voulez découvrir cette vidéo et la regarder en streaming, vous êtes chanceux on vous l’a mis de côté !

La vidéo est actuellement en vogue sur le web et pourrait se retrouver au top dans les tendances de la plateforme de VOD de Google. Après son upload il y a à peine 30 minutes par la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop, beaucoup d’internautes ont commencé à la regarder avec grand intérêt. C’est d’ailleurs souvent comme ça sur cette chaîne qui publie régulièrement des vidéos semblables à celle dont nous vous parlons aujourd’hui.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Fluval Motor Seal Ring for FX6 High Performance Canister Filter, Aquarium Filter Replacement Part publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Fluval Motor Seal Ring for FX6 High Performance Canister Filter, Aquarium Filter Replacement Part
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B0017JHVYG/?tag=hanh68-20

Replacement Motor Seal Ring for the Fluval FX6 High Performance Canister Filter
Fluval replacement part A20207
Rubber seal will perish over time, yearly replacement recommended
Wet seal ring with water before replacing, do NOT use petroleum jelly based products
The Fluval Motor Seal Ring is a replacement part for the Fluval FX6 High Performance Canister Filter. Yearly replacement of the Motor Seal Ring is recommended. The rubber seal will perish over time and will lead to leaking of canister if not replaced. Clean and lubricate the gasket every three months. Wet the seal ring with water before replacing. Do NOT use petroleum jelly based products.

Fluval first broke onto the aquatic scene in 1975 by introducing the world’s first 3-stage filter with synchronous motor technology – a landmark breakthrough that is still applied in the industry today. Since then, Fluval has built a legacy around this pioneering spirit, relentlessly adapting in a changing world to launch innovative aquarium products that remain at the forefront of technology, and which set the bar in quality, style and functionality. Above and beyond its manufacturing role, Fluval prides itself on its charitable and educational efforts that give back to the fishkeeping community, whether it means helping to fund the protection of wild coral reefs or jumping on a plane to document endangered fish species halfway around the world. Fluval’s mission is not just about building products that mimic the natural world, but inspiring aquarists of all skill levels to enjoy and respect the hobby for generations to come.

Top reviews from the United States
Need to have on hand. Cost effective
Like I have mentioned I have been running Fluval for ever. I always keep spare o-rings and other maintenance parts just in case a rarity happens I have to replace something on any of my 5 FX6s