General Tools Scratch Awl Tool with Hardwood Handle - Scribe, Layout Work, & Piercing Wood

Comme beaucoup d’internautes, vous attendiez depuis plusieurs heures la dernière vidéo de Smart Shop, sachez que votre attente va enfin pouvoir prendre fin, la vidéo est maintenant disponible depuis le 29 août 2022 !

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Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de retrouver la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui s’appelle tout simplement General Tools Scratch Awl Tool with Hardwood Handle - Scribe, Layout Work, & Piercing Wood. Si vous l’avez apprécié, n'hésitez pas à like le contenu pour ainsi soutenir l’auteur de la vidéo !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo General Tools Scratch Awl Tool with Hardwood Handle - Scribe, Layout Work, & Piercing Wood publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

General Tools Scratch Awl Tool with Hardwood Handle - Scribe, Layout Work, & Piercing Wood
Amazon Product Link:

WOODEN HANDLE AWL: Our craft piercing tool is rust-resistant and can be used for punching, screwing holes, scribing, and perforating wood. It features a sharp point and a contoured and fluted wooden handle used by carpenters and other artisans.
CRAFT AWL: This handy needle tool can help you create your next woodworking masterpiece. Drag the tip of the awl along the grain of the wood, creating a shallow groove, reducing the chances of the hand saw or chisel from wandering across the board.
AWL PUNCH: The hand-held tool features a steel blade through the grip and is fastened to a plated steel ferrule and cap. Awls with rounded points can mark the location of holes that will later be made more prominent with a hole punch.
MARKING AWL: It only takes a few seconds to use an awl scratch to make a starting point for a drill bit, which is much less time than it would take to sand out any damage. Our pocket awl can withstand heavy pressure and challenging workloads.
GENERAL TOOLS: We're a recognized leader in designing and developing specialized precision tools dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service. We encourage artisans and DIYers to work smarter, measure better, and repair more productively.
Top reviews from the United States
Sturdy, comes with a rubber tip, very stabby
It's good at stabbing holes into objects. The rubber tip is nice to keep things safe when you're moving/storing it, and I've been using the packaging it comes in to store the awl even with the tip - it's very well-suited to that. I've used it on fairly heavy plastics, and it was up to the task.