Gnawsome 4.5” Spiky Squeak & Light Ball Dog Toy - Extra Large, Cleans teeth and Promotes Dental

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Quand nous avons vu pour la première fois la vidéo Gnawsome 4.5” Spiky Squeak & Light Ball Dog Toy - Extra Large, Cleans teeth and Promotes Dental de la chaîne Smart Shop, nous savions que notre communauté aimerait la regarder en streaming au plus vite. Nous nous sommes donc empressé d'écrire cet article pour le publier dans les plus brefs délais.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Gnawsome 4.5” Spiky Squeak & Light Ball Dog Toy - Extra Large, Cleans teeth and Promotes Dental publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Gnawsome 4.5” Spiky Squeak & Light Ball Dog Toy - Extra Large, Cleans teeth and Promotes Dental
Amazon Product Link:

Dogs agree that this bright and fun ball toy is totally "Gnaw some"!
Bright flashing LED lights activate upon impact!
Loud internal squeaker and gum-massaging spikey texture!
Made from food-grade, BPA free TPR materials
4.5" in diameter
The Royal Pet Promise
Royal Pet works locally and globally to make life better for all pets! Since establishing in 1996, Royal Pet has become a cooperative global supplier of products that enhance the lives of pets and their humans. Core Values include: Adaptability, Honesty, Innovation, Knowledge, Results, and the Global Viewpoint. Recognizing the important role that pets play in people's lives, all products and brands are developed via the simple principle of delivering maximum-grade items which enhance your and your pets' quality of life. Royal Pet understands pets are part of your family. They also understand there are about 2.7 million healthy shelter-animals that remain unadopted each year, and only about 30 percent of pets in the homes come from shelters or rescues. Royal Pet does all it can to help shelters and rescue groups by donating toys, treats, and time every year.
Top reviews from the United States
What is this thing made of?
Holy crap. My 80 pound pibble tears everything apart. Kongs? He eats them for breakfast. He also has an obsession - I kid you not, OBSESSION - with lights and squeaky toys. Bought this bad boy on a whim expecting him to have a look of pure happiness in his eyes for all of 20 minutes. I have bought this thing a month ago *today* and it is still in one piece AND THE LIGHT STILL WORKS. We are not gentle with this thing. We have chucked it from the second story down to the ground floor outside and watched it run down a driveway. We've played tug of war with this thing (and with him). It's his absolute favorite toy. My boyfriend bought another for him thinking there was NO WAY it would last over a week. It's been a month and it's in absolutely pristine condition. Whatttt! If you have a big moosh, seriously get this thing. However, you will probably loathe the sound of the squeak. We need to actually kick the ball out of our bedroom and shut the door each night or he'll try to sneakily chew on it all night long.