goDog Action Plush Lobster Animated Squeaky Dog Toy, Chew Guard Technology - Red, One Size

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Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de retrouver la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui s’appelle tout simplement goDog Action Plush Lobster Animated Squeaky Dog Toy, Chew Guard Technology - Red, One Size. Si vous l’avez apprécié, n'hésitez pas à like le contenu pour ainsi soutenir l’auteur de la vidéo !

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On espère que vous avez aimé cette vidéo et qu'on ne s'était pas trompé en vous la proposant, en effet goDog Action Plush Lobster Animated Squeaky Dog Toy, Chew Guard Technology - Red, One Size est une vidéo qui intéresse bon nombre des internautes en ce moment. Dans notre plateforme, vous pourrez trouver d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop, jetez y un coup d'œil à l’occasion, c’est pratique et ça peut vous permettre de trouver des contenus que vous n’aviez jusqu'alors jamais vu encore sur le web !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo goDog Action Plush Lobster Animated Squeaky Dog Toy, Chew Guard Technology - Red, One Size publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

goDog Action Plush Lobster Animated Squeaky Dog Toy, Chew Guard Technology - Red, One Size

Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B08NFMPHKN/?tag=anamz3-20

ANIMATED SQUEAKER: goDog's Action Plush dog toys feature a built-in squeaker and battery-free bite-activated motion that work to satisfy your dog's hunting instincts and chewing behavior, making playtime more fun and exciting for your favorite canine
BITE ACTIVATED MOTION: The Action Plush Lobster moves its tail with every bite and chomp, mimicking the movement of real prey to keep your dog engaged and endlessly entertained during play
ENRICHMENT: The immediate auditory and motion feedback of Action Plush toys excite dogs and encourages play; they are designed to provide enrichment and stimulation, catering to your dog's natural and instinctual behavior to keep them busy and entertained
PERFECT FOR CUDDLING: This soft, plush-textured dog toy is the perfect cuddle buddy; it's great for pets that love to curl up and snuggle with stuffed toys
DESIGNED TO LAST LONGER: Our soft plush dog toys are made with Chew Guard Technology, which adds a tough, heavy-duty, chew-resistant lining to our soft plush toys, making them a little more durable than your average dog toy
DISCLAIMER: No toy is indestructible, and some dogs can destroy Chew Guard toys depending on their play and chew patterns; for customer assurance, we offer a one-time replacement (note: replacement may not be the same as the toy originally purchased)
Top reviews from the United States
Great toy, funny sound
I have a golden and he has what they call a "soft mouth", so none of his toys ever get destroyed. This toy was no different, however I can see how a dog who tends to destroy toys would chew through this one pretty easily. The sound of the squeaker was funny, kind of muffled (you can hear it in the video), but that's a plus since it's not an annoyance. I would rather listen to this than a rubber chicken. Also, someone mentioned their lab couldn't get it to flip the toy's tail because you have to push real hard to make it flip. My golden didn't have a problem with that as you can see in the video, so make your own judgement. This toy is fun and I'll buy other animals that move like this one. My dog loves it and that's all I care about.