HARRIS Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade, 2lb with Powder Duster Included in The Bag

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La chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié aujourd’hui une nouvelle vidéo qui s’appelle HARRIS Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade, 2lb with Powder Duster Included in The Bag. Vous voulez découvrir cette vidéo et la regarder en streaming, vous êtes chanceux on vous l’a mis de côté !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo HARRIS Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade, 2lb with Powder Duster Included in The Bag publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

HARRIS Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade, 2lb with Powder Duster Included in The Bag
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B0728JL9SQ//?tag=anamz3-20

Natural Product - Composed of 2lbs of 100% ground freshwater diatomaceous earth with absolutely no additives or fillers.ground freshwater diatomaceous earth with absolutely no additives or fillers.
OMRI Listed - Listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute, a non-profit organization that reviews products against organic standards.
Powder Duster Included - Powder duster in the bag for easy and efficient application of diatomaceous earth on animal feed
Supports a Great Cause - Harris donates 10% of profits to support the local Etowah Valley Humane Society.
Made in the USA – Mined in Nevada and packaged in Georgia
Harris Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is composed of 100% ground freshwater DE, with no additives. The product is made of the naturally occuring fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of algae that forms in freshwater. These remains are ground up into a soft, fine white powder that carry many different uses. It's chemical free and completely safe to use around children and pets.

Harris Diatomaceous Earth is listed with the Organic Minerals Research Institute (OMRI) for organic use. It's mined in Nevada and packaged in Georgia in a 2lb airtight bag. Included in the bag is a powder duster, allowing for easy application of a fine dusting of powder.
Top reviews from the United States
I was stuck in a rut, fatigued, stressed tired all the time. I tried every supplement there is for my adrenal glands then I read about how people detox their liver and body with this. It rids parasites, toxins cleanses liver colon, whole body. Within 2 weeks I have lost 9 pounds, my nails have grown super long and are hard as can be. My skin looks amazing and my hair is super long. I have energy now and even though I have a super stressful job I am super calm when I work. This has also lowered my blood pressure, all I can say is I am so grateful I stumbled onto this. I take 1 tsp with cup of water on empty stomach first thing in the morning and then i drink another cup of water after that and I'm done. Easy, simple, economical way to lose weight, get your health back and have energy!