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La chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié aujourd’hui une nouvelle vidéo qui s’appelle Hyper Pet Real Skinz Plush Dog Toy with Squeaker, Opossum. Vous voulez découvrir cette vidéo et la regarder en streaming, vous êtes chanceux on vous l’a mis de côté !
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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Hyper Pet Real Skinz Plush Dog Toy with Squeaker, Opossum publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Hyper Pet Real Skinz Plush Dog Toy with Squeaker, Opossum
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B008EXE36W/?tag=anamz3-20
Realistic looking stuffless plush and latex dog toys
Squeakers inside promote fun, interactive play
Non-toxic toys
100-percent latex
Made by Hyper Pet
Top reviews from the United States
Solid. Very well made long lasting dog squeaky toy!
Its weird to me to write a review fo a dog toy.. but I just HAD to for this one!
We adopted a rescue 2.5yr old german shepherd this past Christmas. In preparing for her arrival, I bought this toy off Amazon because it looked so ridiculously cute. Once I got it, realized the head was a big squeaky toy and it had a "sock" floppy body with rubber tail. I was very, very dubious about how long this toy would last under the play teeth of a 60lb dog!
Here we are four months later, and Banshee (our dog) is still playing with it! Its invariably her favorite toy still (outlasting the silly roasted squeak chicken, the Kong toy, and a dozen other toys..) and its the one she plays with the most. It tickles the dog's prey drive, and this thing looks like a squeaking rat while she thrashes it. She tosses it, bites, chews, and whimpers at it. Its so cute (though we fully aware its satisfying her prey drive!)
Sometimes she "throws' it over the upstairs bannister, it plops on our livingroom floor. Dog comes bolting downstairs, grabs her possum, and brings it back upstairs. Repeat..and repeat.. until she gets tired!
This toy is built.. WELL. I'm impressed with how much Banshee plays with it how well its lasted. Its about the size of a large rat and .. well.. fortunately or unfortunately depending on your perspective... looks realistically like a large rat! We love this toy! When..if.. Banshee thrashes it, we'll definitely be getting another!