IRIS USA Cat Litter Box, High Sided and Enclosed Kitty Litter Box with Scoop

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Voici donc aujourd’hui la dernière vidéo de la chaîne youtube Smart Shop. Elle s’appelle IRIS USA Cat Litter Box, High Sided and Enclosed Kitty Litter Box with Scoop et comme vous vous en doutez, elle intéresse déjà beaucoup les internautes. Vous pouvez la retrouver juste ici.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo IRIS USA Cat Litter Box, High Sided and Enclosed Kitty Litter Box with Scoop publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

IRIS USA Cat Litter Box, High Sided and Enclosed Kitty Litter Box with Scoop

Amazon Product Link:

Jumbo cat litter box provides maximum space for your kitty
Flap entry door keeps litter and spray contained as well as odor
Handle and secure buckles on the lid for easy portability
Quick access lift top allows for quick and easy cleaning
Keep the scoop hidden and stored away with the scoop clip feature
Give your cat some much needed space to take care of business. Whether your kitty needs more room or just likes being able to move freely, This jumbo cat litter pan is plenty spacious. The high sides, lid, and flap entry door Help keep litter and spray contained, and the curved bottom makes scooping it clean with the included scoop simple. Lid buckles securely to the cat litter pan bottom, and comfortable grip handle makes moving the cat litter box easy. Available in multiple styles and colors. Made in the USA.

Top reviews from the United States
Very sturdy, Smooth Swing Door
Added the litter and moved it around for testing and I was surprised it didn't feel unsteady. The handle is decent quality and the box keeps its shape. No issues with flimsy lock, but its not hard to lock either. Unless someone is overloading it with litter then there shouldn't be an issue. The litter scoop can hang on the side, but I'll just have it as a backup. Good size for it, but I have a metal one that's slightly bigger that I'm accustomed to using and it still works fine.

The door opens easy and fluid, and when no cat is inside then it hangs slightly on the inside so there is a gap where you see the kitty litter. I suppose this is to ensure the cat can see there is something on the other side. I thought this would cause issues with the smell escaping too much, but it doesn't seem to matter. It does well containing any scents. Unless I notice the sound of them scratching the litter, I don't even know when its being used. Given this is also my office space, this is very much welcomed improvement over the previous box with no door. So far any excess litter has been caught by the litter mat so I'm thrilled about that as well.