JW Pet Booda Byrdy Bush Interactive Bird Toy, Cable Cross Multi, Medium

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Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de retrouver la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui s’appelle tout simplement JW Pet Booda Byrdy Bush Interactive Bird Toy, Cable Cross Multi, Medium. Si vous l’avez apprécié, n'hésitez pas à like le contenu pour ainsi soutenir l’auteur de la vidéo !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo JW Pet Booda Byrdy Bush Interactive Bird Toy, Cable Cross Multi, Medium publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

JW Pet Booda Byrdy Bush Interactive Bird Toy, Cable Cross Multi, Medium
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B003WRHTG6/?tag=hanh68-20

Customize your bird’s perch with the Comfy Perch Cross
Designed to bend and twist into unique forms that hold shape without dangerous wires or stiffeners
The twist and texture of the rope soothes your bird’s tender talons while providing fun exercise opportunities
The vibrant, multi-colored Comfy Perch Cross is available in a variety of sizes to fit any size or style of bird cage
Customize your bird’s perch with the Comfy Perch Cross. Designed to bend and twist into unique forms that hold shape without dangerous wires or stiffeners. The twist and texture of the rope soothes your bird’s tender talons while providing fun exercise opportunities. The vibrant, multi-colored Comfy Perch Cross is available in a variety of sizes to fit any size or style of bird cage.

Top reviews from the United States
Great Perch!!!
I'm always hesitant buying stuff online especially for my birds because they are really hard to please. I really didn't want to spend $18 for a perch but after I got it I was extremely happy with it and my cockatiel seems much happier navigating around in his cage with this perch. The rope seems very sturdy too. I will definitely order this perch again, however, I noticed the day after I bought this perch the price went down to $12.00. When I finally got around to wanting to order another one a few days later, the price went back up to $18! I'm gonna try and hold out for the price to go down again because at $12.00, this perch is a steal. Also, please note the measurements because it may not fit all cages.