JW Pet Company Activitoy Strong Bird Small Bird Toy, Colors Vary

Le 8 octobre 2022, la chaîne Youtube de Smart Shop a sorti un nouveau contenu qui a attiré toute notre attention, cet article va pouvoir donner un coup de projecteur dessus et pourquoi pas vous faire découvrir cette vidéo.

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Aujourd'hui, 8 octobre 2022, la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié un nouveau contenu qui porte comme titre JW Pet Company Activitoy Strong Bird Small Bird Toy, Colors Vary. Si vous souhaitez regarder cette vidéo en streaming, vous êtes tombé au bon endroit !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo JW Pet Company Activitoy Strong Bird Small Bird Toy, Colors Vary publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

JW Pet Company Activitoy Strong Bird Small Bird Toy, Colors Vary
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B005BV1IS6/?tag=hanh68-20

Brightly colored bird toy
Features hanging pull handle
Teaches that actions produce a reward for a learned behavior, encourages repeat play
Bolt on, easy attachment
Suitable for parakeets, cockatiels and similar sized birds
Strong bird by JW pet company is a part of the new carnival line of bird toys from JW. Brightly-colored to engage and entertain birds with fun features and bolt-on, easy attachment. The strong bird toy is another fun classic with a special birdie twist. This toy has a hanging pull handle on a small chain that birds can pull and tug to move the bright colored ball inside and ring the bell at the top. This type of toy teaches a bird that their actions produce a reward for a learned behavior; this encourages repeat play and helps to prevent boredom.

Top reviews from the United States
A true carnival experience (said my parakeets)!
I really wanted our parakeets to have the carnival/fair experience, and nothing helps them achieve that like this bell! Just like that sledgehammer strength test game at the fair, this has many delightfully enjoyable functions (my birds have told me). The parakeets must pull down on the string with all their strength and let go to ring the bell. I'm not quite sure they have accomplished yet, but they clearly like trying.

The toy seems very durable after repeated use. I inspect them periodically to ensure their safety, and thus far there are no issues after several weeks of repeated attempts to win the grand prize. Despite the fact that I do not believe they have been successful at ringing the bell, I do give them "participant" prizes periodically to ensure they don't give up hope. It is important for them to maintain their pride