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Cette vidéo fait actuellement le buzz sur internet et pourrait peut être se retrouver dans les tendances de Youtube. Elle a été publiée il y a quelques heures par le vidéaste de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui publie très régulièrement des vidéos similaires au contenu dont nous vous parlons aujourd’hui.
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Avant de se quitter, on espère déjà que la vidéo JW Pet Company Insight Sand Perch Swing Bird Toy, Small, Assorted vous a plu, ou qu’elle a répondu en temps cas à vos attentes. Retrouvez dès maintenant d’autres vidéos similaires sur notre plateforme, on vous fait confiance pour dénicher d’autres pépites. Si et seulement si vous avez déjà fait le tour de notre site, alors foncez sur Youtube voir d’autres contenus exclusifs de Smart Shop.
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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo JW Pet Company Insight Sand Perch Swing Bird Toy, Small, Assorted publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
JW Pet Company Insight Sand Perch Swing Bird Toy, Small, Assorted
Amazon Product Link:
Features varied widths to resemble a bird's natural habitat
helps prevent sore feet
Natural sand is part of the mold
Sand coating provides normal wear of the bird's nails
Designed for a bird's well-being
Suitable for parakeets, cockatiels and other similar size birds
The Small Sand Perch Swing from Insight by JW is a durable yet comfortable sand swing. The natural sand is part of the mold, not sprayed on and helps to keep nails filed smooth. This perch is also designed with varied widths to resemble a bird's natural habitat and to help prevent sore feet. Suitable size for parakeets and other similar sized birds.
Top reviews from the United States
My finches love it.
I bought two these (at two different times) for a pair of Java finches that I help care for. While both can technically fit on one, I wanted to give the boys a little space of their own.
They love them! They were adorably confused at their first experience with a moving perch, but they can't seem to leave it alone for too long while hopping about their cage.
The packaging was a little greasy-looking around the plastic on the second one, but that doesn't seem to have affected the product itself. As I said, the finches seem to love them a lot! The perch is already sandy, so that's one less perch cover I need, I think.