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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo K&H Pet Products Thermal-Bowl Cat & Dog Outdoor Heated Water Bowl publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
K&H Pet Products Thermal-Bowl Cat & Dog Outdoor Heated Water Bowl
Amazon Product Link:
COLD WEATHER USE: Heated pet water bowl prevents water from freezing, even at -20°, keeping your pet hydrated no matter the weather
ENERGY EFFICIENT: This 1.5 gallon granite colored heated water bowl is made with BPA free plastic and uses only 25 watts
QUALITY: Heated water bowl features a 5.5' steel wrapped abrasion resistant cord and electronics are safely sealed inside the bowl
AUTOMATIC: Thermostatically controlled to turn on and off as needed automatically; we recommend placing in sheltered area to protect from wind
SAFETY: We don't just use safety listed parts, we safety certify the entire product. This heated water bowl has been tested & certified by MET Labs and exceeds USA/CA electrical safety standards
BRAND YOU TRUST: Designed by K&H with OVER 20 years of experience in creating safe, innovative, quality products
Top reviews from the United States
Not just for furry friends, birds love it too
I tell people I keep my pets outdoors ~ a lively community of birds, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, and others who come to my house 365 days a year for food and water. Using a heated bird bath from late fall to early spring is the answer, and this particular one is the answer for those of us who don't want to spend a fortune on a fancy short-term product better for decor than durability. I always keep a spare heated bowl on standby so that, on the bitterest winter day when the yard is as hard as a stone, and the air is just as dry, everyone will have water for survival. Important feature: wire-wrapped cord prevents chewing destruction. Special note: this holds a nice amount of water, but it's too deep for birds. Add a few rocks inside they can hop onto when getting in or out.