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Pour ne rien vous cacher, quand on a vu que la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop avait publié une nouvelle vidéo qui s'appelait Kaytee Clean & Cozy White Bedding Pet For Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Hamsters, Gerbils, and Chinchillas, nous n’avons pas hésité une seconde à vous la partager pour que vous puissiez la découvrir !
Gros buzz pour le moment pour cette dernière vidéo de Smart Shop, en effet le nombre de vues que comptabilise la vidéo est actuellement bien supérieur à la normale. C’est pour cette raison qu’on imagine que si ça continue dans ce sens, la vidéo pourrait bien se retrouver très rapidement en tendance Youtube.
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Vous avez maintenant toutes les informations sur la vidéo Kaytee Clean & Cozy White Bedding Pet For Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Hamsters, Gerbils, and Chinchillas, on espère que ça vous convient et que vous y avez trouvé votre intérêt. Avant de se dire au revoir, on vous rappelle quand même que vous pouvez regarder d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop en naviguant sur Allo Trends. Bien qu’on ait pas encore autant de contenus que Youtube, on y travaille chaque jour pour vous offrir le meilleur d’internet !
Mesdames et messieurs, nous arrivons à la fin de cet article Allo Trends, nous espérons que vous avez pris beaucoup de plaisir à lire, enfin au moins autant que nous on a eu à l’écrire !
À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Kaytee Clean & Cozy White Bedding Pet For Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Hamsters, Gerbils, and Chinchillas publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Kaytee Clean & Cozy White Bedding Pet For Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Hamsters, Gerbils, and Chinchillas
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B007R6G8JW/?tag=hanh68-20
Clean and cozy bedding is safe for small pet including rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, and gerbils
Absorbs 6x its weight in liquid
99.9% dust-free
Odor control guaranteed
Made of material that meets FDA standards
Kaytee Clean & Cozy White small pet paper bedding gives you a whole new standard in super-soft, absorbent bedding. Clean & Cozy is soft and fluffy to encourage burrowing or nesting while absorbing 6x its weight in liquid. Clean & Cozy's absorbency means less odor. That. Plus Clean & Cozy is 99% dust free for a cleaner cage.
Top reviews from the United States
Soft and Fluffy, Great for hamsters just like the experienced owners said.
As someone who's just started raising a hamster again after half a decade of my last one (RIP Yogi, you old fart), I was nervous about buying this bedding as reviews lately have been hit or miss, but hamster owners with experience still recommended this bedding highly so I took the gamble to try to buy it on a good day and got two 50 liter bags (Technically 49.2 but ya know, semantics), since this time I want to give my hamster the best I can get.
It came out great, the packaging was secure, the bedding was soft and fluffy after fluffing it up out of the bag, and thankfully no big dust issues have arisen, which is extra great because I am very allergic to dust. I've only sneezed once while setting my new hamster's (I got him almost a week ago as of writing this) cage up but I expected that given the type of bedding this is and it was only when I was trying to unpack it from the bag.
My dwarf hamster has been burrowing under it (a good 6 inches of it) constantly and even has a frequent one he goes to in his cage's corner because it holds them better than Carefresh since that brand is denser than this one. Not only that, it doesn't smell, I've not had any odor come out of my new hamster's cage. Maybe it's too soon to tell, but I think it's still a good sign, I doubt it'll be hard to spot clean since hamsters don't make big messes.