Keratex KHP 200 Hoof Putty, 200g

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On espère que vous avez aimé cette vidéo et qu'on ne s'était pas trompé en vous la proposant, en effet Keratex KHP 200 Hoof Putty, 200g est une vidéo qui intéresse bon nombre des internautes en ce moment. Nous avons d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop sur Allo Trends, vous pouvez les découvrir dès maintenant en utilisant la barre de recherche. Vous devriez vous débrouiller, c’est assez facile d’accès même pour un débutant !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Keratex KHP 200 Hoof Putty, 200g publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Keratex KHP 200 Hoof Putty, 200g
Amazon Product Link:

Keratex hoof putty is a unique malleable wax containing slow-release organic ingredients
Use to fill cavities left by and after removal of abscesses from the sole and conditions such as seedy toe
Work a piece of hoof putty between the fingers until it turns soft and tacky
Use a blunt tool to press softened hoof putty well into a cavity and build up until level with the surrounding horn/sole
Prevents grits and contaminants from entering the hoof; Can support tubes for flushing or draining cavities
Keratex Hoof Putty Seals & Protects Hoof Cavities & Abscess Wounds. Keratex Hoof Putty seals and waterproofs horn separation cavities, preventing material from compromising hoof health. Self-adhesive, flexible and won't drop out or deteriorate. Seals and stabilizes hoof cavities caused by seedy toe, white line problems and other hoof conditions resulting in horn separation. Prevents grit and stones from entering the hoof. Can support tubes for flushing or draining cavities. Keratex Hoof Putty is a unique type of malleable wax containing slow release organic ingredients. Use to fill cavities left by conditions such as seedy toe and after the removal of abscesses from the sole. The broad spectrum organic ingredients in Keratex Hoof Putty are effective in treating a broad spectrum of problems. Sold in 200 gm cans Start with a clean dry hoof. Wash and dry hands as well. Work a piece of Keratex Hoof Putty in your hands until it turns soft and tacky. Press this piece of putty into the cavity. Repeat until the cavity is filled and putty is level with surrounding horn or sole. When shoeing over or close to areas filled with Hoof Putty it is essential that only cold shoeing or gluing is used. Where Hoof Putty has been applied under a shoe, it must be replaced at next shoeing. In all other cases check weekly and replace as required. Once inserted, Keratex Hoof Putty hardens to its former state, providing a good seal against water and dirt, and can be used on either shod or unshod hooves.

Top reviews from the United States
This is the first 5 week cycle all summer that my horse kept his shoes on!
My horse has Shelly crumbly feet and it's a non stop battle to keep shoes on him. I started using keratex hoof hardener and the putty together. I filled all the chipped and cracked areas and the nail holes so they wouldn't be wedged open by sand and dirt. This is the first 5 week cycle all summer that he hasn't lost a shoe and the putty stays on for a good week so this little can will last a good year I'm guessing.