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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Kitty Caps Nail Caps for Cats - Cat Claw Covers in White with Orange & Clear with Blue Glitter publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Kitty Caps Nail Caps for Cats - Cat Claw Covers in White with Orange & Clear with Blue Glitter
Amazon Product Link:
NO MORE CAT SCRATCHES - Cover your cat's nails with these cute multi-colored nail caps. No more cat scratches for you or your friends and family
NON-TOXIC ADHESIVE - The safe and non-toxic adhesive will not interfere with the normal extension and retraction of their nails
EASY TO USE - Nail covers apply easily and will fall off as your cat's nails grow. Shed generally 4-6 weeks after application
FOR KITTENS TOO - Kitty Caps nail caps are great for all cats but also work well for kittens
100% SAFE - A safe and pain-free alternative to declawing, these nail caps for cats are safe and comfortable
Top reviews from the United States
There are two types of cats in this world and I have used these on both of them. First, my kitten. She is almost a year old and we have been using these since she was about 3 months old. My husband was insistent we get her declawed - I convinced him to let me try this first. These have worked so well on her we skipped the declawing and we all live happily together without any claw damage to our home! She is amazing - a couple of treats and she sits on my lap and we have learned together this can be a painless, simple process. They stay on for several weeks at a time and I rotate the colors so I can keep track of any that may get stuck and need some help coming off after 6 weeks or so. She doesn’t bother with them and goes about playing and “scratching” her post normally. Now the second kind of cat... my mom owns this one and to say she was desperate to not only save her furnature, but also her skin was an understatement. I raved about my success with these so much she ordered them without hesitation! Well... to say it didn’t go well is an understatement. Also a kitten, I thought this would go as well as my baby. Boy was I wrong!! We ended up bitten, scratched, and with fingers glued together... not kidding.... Any caps we did get on this one looked at us and promptly pulled off and went about her destructive ways. The moral of the story? These work AMAZING if your kitty will play along. Some cats will not tolerate the process or having them on, but that’s not the products fault. Definetly give them a try and start young if you can.