Kitty City Raised Cat Food Bowl Collection_Stress Free Pet Feeder and Waterer

Le 10 septembre 2022, la chaîne Youtube de Smart Shop a sorti un nouveau contenu qui a attiré toute notre attention, cet article va pouvoir donner un coup de projecteur dessus et pourquoi pas vous faire découvrir cette vidéo.

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Pour ne rien vous cacher, quand on a vu que la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop avait publié une nouvelle vidéo qui s'appelait Kitty City Raised Cat Food Bowl Collection_Stress Free Pet Feeder and Waterer, nous n’avons pas hésité une seconde à vous la partager pour que vous puissiez la découvrir !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Kitty City Raised Cat Food Bowl Collection_Stress Free Pet Feeder and Waterer publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Kitty City Raised Cat Food Bowl Collection_Stress Free Pet Feeder and Waterer

Amazon Product Link:

Includes 1 white and 1 gray dishes – Each holds 6.5 ounces
Modern pedestal design promotes natural, healthy eating posture and looks great in your home
Whisker-friendly oval design plus easy-access front – better ergonomics for your cat companion!
Top rack dishwasher safe. Made from PET safe plastic.
Bowl Dimensions: 5.38 x 3.25 x 4 inches

Your clever, agile cat is your constant companion. So why not do him a favor and keep dinnertime from being a literal pain in the neck? Unlike average floor dishes, Kitty City elevated bowls reduce neck tension and create a natural eating posture for pets. Made with subtle, feline-friendly design details like an oval shape that protects whiskers and a slanted front for easy access. Modern styling and colors look great in any corner of your home. Each bowl holds 6.5 ounces of food or water, and it’s even safe to wash in the top rack of your dishwasher. Pet safe plastic is top rack dishwasher safe while non-skid mat keeps bowls in place.

Top reviews from the United States
I was a bit apprehensive about buying these bowls but now I am glad I did. I have two cats, one being a large male ( neutered ) boy. I was using dishes for him that sat flat on the floor. While he would always eat his food, I noticed sometimes that he would be gagging a lot while eating. I never really thought much about it. Then I read an article about pet food bowls and it said that raised bowls were a better choice because it is a more natural position for a cat sitting to eat, because of the bowl being raised. I wondered if it was really true or not and hummed and hawed about it for a few days. Then I decided to order them and I am glad I did. My large male cat no longer gags and chokes on his food. It probably sounds crazy to some people, but it really has made a difference for him. The bowls are oval shaped and approx. 1 inch deep. I wish they were a bit larger though. My cats are outdoor cats. They always have dry cat food at all times and in the evening I feed them quality wet canned food. The bowls are large enough for the wet food, but a bit small for dry cat food. I actually turn the one bowl upside down for the dry cat food because it holds more that way. I uploaded some pictures. I'm going to order two more of these bowls because each cat has their own bowls. The price is right compared to other raised bowls. The bonus is it is a two pack. One white one and one grey one. My only other concern is wondering if they are lead and cadmium free. The packaging doesn't say so, so that bothers me a bit. For now these ones a good choice.