Et oui, encore un article aujourd’hui à propos de la chaîne Youtube Klein Tools 65200 Ratchet Set, 5-Piece Mini Ratchet Set with Phillips, Slotted, and Adapter, vous commencez à en avoir l’habitude vous qui suivez assidûment Allo Trends depuis tant d'années déjà ! L'intérêt pour cette chaîne ne cesse de croître au fil des années et nous sommes très heureux de vous la partager une nouvelle fois. C'est pourquoi nous avons décidé de faire un billet sur le sujet, car nous sommes sûrs que vous apprécierez cette nouvelle vidéo.
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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Klein Tools 65200 Ratchet Set, 5-Piece Mini Ratchet Set with Phillips, Slotted, and Adapter publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Klein Tools 65200 Ratchet Set, 5-Piece Mini Ratchet Set with Phillips, Slotted, and Adapter
Amazon Product Link:
Slim profile of the professiol Mini Ratchet 5-Piece Set is the perfect tool for tight spaces
Includes 1/4 and 5/16-Inch nut drivers, a 1/4-Inch adapter and four drive bits: #1 and #2 Phillips; 3/16 and 1/4-Inch slotted
1/4-Inch dual-drive head and socket adapter for more versatility
The 72-tooth ratchet only needs a 5-Degree sweep for tight areas
High-strength, steel construction increases torque and tool life
Ring magnet and bit clip for better bit retention
Finger loop provides one-hand driving and convenient storage
Klein Tools' Slim-Profile Mini Ratchet Set is the perfect answer for fastening in small, tight spaces. The 72-tooth, low-profile gear head only needs 5-Degrees of sweep allowing professionals to fasten in spots other drivers just won't fit. Handle is designed with a finger loop for control and convenience, and is made of high-strength Chromium-Vanadium steel for increased torque and long tool life.
Top reviews from the United States
Will work with Wiha double-ended bits if you remove magnet
Comes with 4 bits + 1/4 drive adapter. For more bits, I bought the Wiha 77780 bit pack, which are double ended. You can push out the magnet and there is room for the bits (except the #3 phillips) to fit into the wrench up to the point where the spring engages with the notch in the bit. The Wiha #1 Phillips is about .18 inch more stick-out than the supplied bits.
My goal was a mini tool kit, combined with a somewhat disappointing Flissa multi tool. Wiha bits will also fit in the Flissa, add a 6 x 2mm round magnet to it to retain them in it.
Note that this is a comfortable tool to use, but the round ring is about 1.18", not the absolute smallest - right size for normal use, put ring on pinky and thumb and forefinger are in the right place to turn wheel. If you need the smallest possible offset screwdriver, consider a Chapman-like set.