Lixit Standard Cage Water Bottles for Rabbits, Ferrets, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Rats, Mice and Other

Une nouvelle vidéo de Smart Shop est apparue sur Youtube le 3 novembre 2022 et elle a reçu un gros accueil de la part des internautes.

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Voici donc aujourd’hui la dernière vidéo de la chaîne youtube Smart Shop. Elle s’appelle Lixit Standard Cage Water Bottles for Rabbits, Ferrets, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Rats, Mice and Other et comme vous vous en doutez, elle intéresse déjà beaucoup les internautes. Vous pouvez la retrouver juste ici.

Cette vidéo fait actuellement le buzz sur internet et pourrait peut être se retrouver dans les tendances de Youtube. Elle a été publiée il y a quelques heures par le vidéaste de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui publie très régulièrement des vidéos similaires au contenu dont nous vous parlons aujourd’hui.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Lixit Standard Cage Water Bottles for Rabbits, Ferrets, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Rats, Mice and Other publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Lixit Standard Cage Water Bottles for Rabbits, Ferrets, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Rats, Mice and Other
Amazon Product Link:

PREMIUM QUALITY: Lixit water bottles have been a standard for over 35 years. It features a thick high quality water bottle that is BPA free.
THE PERFECT SIZE: The 32oz bottle is designed for Rabbits, Ferrets, Guinea Pigs and other small animals. The bottle is weather resistant and can be used in outdoor environments. Not all small animals need the same amount of water. For the 32oz we use a 7/16-inch tube that is large enough to accommodate the water needs of the pets noted above.
VACUUM SEAL: Lixit bottles work by forming a vacuum to hold the water inside. It is important to fill the bottle all the way to the top and ensure the cap is on tight to prevent leaking. Some dripping when the bottle is first turned over is normal.
QUALITY STAINLESS STEEL: Our tubes are made of the same 304 grade stainless steel in food preparation. We polish our tubes until they have the same satin finish that is found in quality silverware. Each tube is hand coned on the end to ensure that it has a smooth tip that will not harm your pet.
Lixit water bottles are proudly made in the USA
Top reviews from the United States
First bottle not to leak everywhere.
After many many years of Guinea pigs, this was the first bottle that didn't leak out the minute we used it. I was desperate for a new bottle since our glass bottle cracked and I needed to get something. I saw this and thought I would be disappointed as I have been in the last 10 other bottles we have purchased. To my amazement, when I filled it up and flipped it over there wasn't a leak. I kept checking to make sure the pig was getting water and there were no issues. It actually is not dripping into the cage causing a mess. Will probably buy multiple ones and keep them stored for later use.