Beaucoup d’entre-vous nous suivent depuis bien longtemps sur Allo Trends, et vous savez déjà que nous partageons très régulièrement les nouveaux contenus vidéos de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop dont notre communauté est extrêmement friande. Parfois on hésite à écrire un article car on ne sait pas s' il vous plaira, mais aujourd'hui nous savons que cette vidéo vous intéressera.
Voici donc aujourd’hui la dernière vidéo de la chaîne youtube Smart Shop. Elle s’appelle Mars Coat King De-Matting Undercoat Grooming Rake Stripper Tool for Dogs and Cats, Stainless Steel et comme vous vous en doutez, elle intéresse déjà beaucoup les internautes. Vous pouvez la retrouver juste ici.
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Vous avez maintenant toutes les informations sur la vidéo Mars Coat King De-Matting Undercoat Grooming Rake Stripper Tool for Dogs and Cats, Stainless Steel, on espère que ça vous convient et que vous y avez trouvé votre intérêt. Le saviez-vous ? Sur Youtube, vous pouvez trouver d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop qui ont pu être uploadé par d’autres utilisateurs et qui ne sont pas encore référencés sur Allo Trends. Si jamais vous êtes curieux, allez y faire un tour, on ne sait jamais !
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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Mars Coat King De-Matting Undercoat Grooming Rake Stripper Tool for Dogs and Cats, Stainless Steel publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Mars Coat King De-Matting Undercoat Grooming Rake Stripper Tool for Dogs and Cats, Stainless Steel
Amazon Product Link:
THE ORIGINAL PET DEMATTING TOOL: Achieve a professional-looking groomed look for dogs and cats with this Mars Coat-King dematting undercoat grooming rake stripper tool.
SOLUTION TO UNTANGLE DOG HAIR, CAT HAIR: Clear out tangles and mats from your dog’s coat with this grooming rake stripper tool that features a stainless-steel structure to clear in one swipe.
RELIABLE DOG GROOMING TOOL: Made with stainless steel and a wooden handle for an easy grip, this pet rake stripper tool is perfect for deshedding and thinning your cat or dog’s coat.
COMFORTABLE GROOMING IS IN YOUR FUTURE: Stop pulling out your pet’s hair and make the grooming experience more enjoyable with this pet grooming rake stripper tool perfect for dogs and cats of all breeds.
HIGH-QUALITY PET GROOMING TOOLS: Mars Coat-King is pleased to provide a complete line of dog grooming tools and cat grooming tools. Our selection ranges from stripping knives, scissors and shears to nail clippers, scalers and tweezers perfect for pet owners and groomers.
Top reviews from the United States
I have a Wire Fox Terrier puppy and I wanted to get her groomed traditionally as her breed calls for, hand stripping. I could not find a groomer who would do it. Then when I managed to find one, she sorta made excuses and didn't want to do it which completely bummed me out. I wanted to learn myself but as she's a puppy she's still very wiggly and I don't have any other equipment to help with that. That's when I found this. Originally I was just brushing her with one of those wire combs and it got hair out, but this was a game changer! The first time I used it I got enough hair to make a new puppy! It is amazing how much hair it got out and was also very easy to get off the brush. I can tell she also loves the feel of the brush because it's one of the times I can get her to be still for a few minutes. Overall I would definitely recommend this product for dogs with that wiry hair.