Millers Forge Stainless Steel Pins Designer Series Soft Slicker Pet Grooming Brush, Large

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Millers Forge Stainless Steel Pins Designer Series Soft Slicker Pet Grooming Brush, Large publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Millers Forge Stainless Steel Pins Designer Series Soft Slicker Pet Grooming Brush, Large

Amazon Product Link:

Designer series soft slicker grooming brushes
Featherweight lightness helps reduce hand fatigue
Soft slicker pet grooming brush feature sleek european styling, an extremely light handle shaped for comfort and high-quality stainless steel pins
Comes in large size
Overall brushhead measures are 4-3/4-inch length by 2-1/2-inch width and pin surface measures are 4-inch length by 1-3/4-inch width
Top reviews from the United States
Still my favorite brush
Back in the dark ages, I showed Mini Schnauzers and this was my go to slicker. Its bristles are gentle enough not to irritate delicate skin, but strong enough to get through a Schnauzers thick furnishings. I also groomed community dogs and used this slicker on all. I then had Yorkies and was still pleased with this brush. It performed well on my full coated dog as well as my teddy bear cut. I recently added an Aussiedoodle and it still performs perfectly. I’m very pleased with its brushing when used with the coat and only brush against it out of an obsessive thoroughness and in pursuit of the giant fluffball look I think is darling. I dont find anything that the first direction of brushing missed when I backbrush.

I stepped up to the medium size brush since it was readily available here on Amazon, but think I still prefer the small I’ve owned for the last 20 years +-. The medium certainly covers more ground, but the small size spoils you with its detail work. I dislike switching brushes more than I dislike investing extra time as I find swapping out within an area to be a “fiddly” experience. If a dog is properly maintained, brushing shouldn’t be such a time investment that a wider brush saves much time - and a dog that isn’t maintained sufficiently probably needs more detail work to address problem areas... so I don’t suspect anyone trying to weigh detail vs time should give lose much sleep over that debate.

Anyhow, I have owned and loved the “Doggyman” brushes for longer than I can remember and the top kennels I showed with all used them happily. I can’t imagine spending 2-3x the amount on a Chris Christensen brush.