Monolith M1060 Over Ear Planar Magnetic Headphones - Black/Wood With 106mm Driver, Open Back Design,

Nous avons découvert avec grand intérêt le 13 novembre 2022 sur la chaîne Youtube de Smart Shop une nouvelle vidéo qui pourrait vous intéresser.

La plupart de nos membres suivent de manière assidue nos articles sur Allo Trends, vous n'êtes donc pas très surpris que nous vous parlions aujourd’hui de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop ! Les vidéos qui y sont diffusées intéressent grandement internet depuis pas mal de temps déjà. Et c’est pour cela qu’on vous en parle aujourd’hui, cette toute nouvelle vidéo devrait vous intéresser.

La chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié aujourd’hui une nouvelle vidéo qui s’appelle Monolith M1060 Over Ear Planar Magnetic Headphones - Black/Wood With 106mm Driver, Open Back Design,. Vous voulez découvrir cette vidéo et la regarder en streaming, vous êtes chanceux on vous l’a mis de côté !

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On est bientôt à la fin de la news sur la vidéo Monolith M1060 Over Ear Planar Magnetic Headphones - Black/Wood With 106mm Driver, Open Back Design,, toute l’équipe Allo Trends espère que vous l’avez trouvé intéressante à lire. Retrouvez dès maintenant d’autres vidéos similaires sur notre plateforme, on vous fait confiance pour dénicher d’autres pépites. Si et seulement si vous avez déjà fait le tour de notre site, alors foncez sur Youtube voir d’autres contenus exclusifs de Smart Shop.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Monolith M1060 Over Ear Planar Magnetic Headphones - Black/Wood With 106mm Driver, Open Back Design, publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Monolith M1060 Over Ear Planar Magnetic Headphones - Black/Wood With 106mm Driver, Open Back Design,
Amazon Product Link:

Planar Drivers: Not your typical headphone driver! A planar magnetic driver is a flat membrane that is surrounded by magnets.
Open Back Design: Instead of an "inside your head" isolated experience that traditional closed-back headphones provide, open-back headphones provide a holographic listening experience.
Comfort: The Monolith M1060 has been engineered to be comfortable for extended listening sessions. Large, comfy earpads are designed to keep you comfortable as you listen.
Quality at a Fair Price: Monoprice's rugged design and rigid quality control standards deliver high quality products at fair prices. Impedance: 50 ohms
Top reviews from the United States
I cannot recommend these enough!!!! (UPDATED.)
I love these headphones. they are the most comfortable headphones that i have ever used. I got these as an entry into the high end audio market and they are worth every bit of the price tag and could probably cost quite a bit more and still be worth it. these headphones are so easy to drive with and impedance of 50 ohms so you don't even really need a dac and amp but i do recommend using at least a cheaper one like the Schiit audio Fulla or if you don't mind a little more cash the Magni Modi stack. these are great headphones for the money if you are looking for p[professional grade audio for a consumer grade price. the only gripe i have with them is the build quality is a little lack luster but not at all a deal killer. i also would recommend getting a new cord for them because i had a problem with the sawdering of the one that i got but your mileage may very. these are extremely well balanced and if you would like a little more eq you can find good software for it like boom 3D to tailor them to your tastes. in short these are GREAT and i cannot recommend them enough to people looking to get into high end audio or if you are just looking for a better media consumption headphones. on another note they are great for gaming as long as you are in a closed environment you can hear directional footsteps and sounds really well thanks to the massive sound stage. you will not find a better pair of high-end headphones in the same price point and not really until you get up into the 5-600 dollar and higher range. i truly recommend these headphones.