Moropaky Hearbeat Toy for Dog Anxiety Relief Behavioral Training Aid Toy, Grey

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Moropaky Hearbeat Toy for Dog Anxiety Relief Behavioral Training Aid Toy, Grey publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Moropaky Hearbeat Toy for Dog Anxiety Relief Behavioral Training Aid Toy, Grey
Amazon Product Link:

Separation Anxiety Relief: The heartbeat toys with heartbeat which is a simulation of the true pulsing heartbeat enables the puppy to feel the heartbeat, thereby reducing their anxiety and get used to the new home or tough time as soon as possible.
Create Training Tool & Sleep Training Toy : Heartbeat dog toy simulates an environment that the puppy are not alone and one of their 'mates' are there with them. With the company of the Heartbeat Stuffed Animal Toy , the dog can adapt to the kennel as soon as possible, and can have a better sleep.
Comfort Your Fur Baby: The heartbeat toy provides the best companionship and comfort to the dog during the night, during the journey, during thunder and lightning, and effectively reduces the anxiety and fear of the dog.
Plush Toy + Heartbeat Simulator: The product contain a plush dog toy and a real heartbeat simulator that need 2 AAA batteries but not included. The plush dog toys is made from comfortable, skin-friendly fabrics, and it can be machine washable with the heart removed. The heartbeat will shut down automatically after running for 8 HOURS.
A Natural Solution for anxiety: We adopt a natural way to accompany and comfort your pet, it is the most safe for your four-legged baby.
Top reviews from the United States
So Great For New Puppies!
We brought our 8 week old cairn terrier home from a place where he had multiple siblings he was able to sleep with and cuddle. I don't know if it is this heartbeat dog, or just the fact that I got an amazing puppy, but he has slept 6+ hours a night from the very first night! I rated it a little low on durability just because it is a stuffed animal and I know at some point the stuffing will probably be gutted because, well we have a puppy. It does take quite a few batteries so I rated just a bit low on longevity because the batteries tend to die often because we use it so much away night and when we are at work. But I washed it recently, since puppies have potty accidents, in the washing machine on the delicate cycle and dried it in the dryer on the regular cycle and it came out perfectly! And just in case it isn't obvious, I removed the heart box BEFORE washing and drying. Our little guy is now 14 months and still curls up against his dog every night.