Et oui, encore un article aujourd’hui à propos de la chaîne Youtube O'Keeffe's Skin Repair Body Lotion and Dry Skin Moisturizer, Pump Bottle, 12 ounce, vous commencez à en avoir l’habitude vous qui suivez assidûment Allo Trends depuis tant d'années déjà ! L'intérêt pour cette chaîne ne cesse de croître au fil des années et nous sommes très heureux de vous la partager une nouvelle fois. C’est pour cette raison que l’on vous en parle en ce jour car cette nouvelle vidéo pourrait piquer votre intérêt.
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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo O'Keeffe's Skin Repair Body Lotion and Dry Skin Moisturizer, Pump Bottle, 12 ounce publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
O'Keeffe's Skin Repair Body Lotion and Dry Skin Moisturizer, Pump Bottle, 12 ounce
Amazon Product Link:
O'Keeffe's Skin Repair heals, relieves, and repairs extremely dry, itchy skin; Packaging may arrive in white or gold colored bottles
This unscented, non-greasy, hypoallergenic formula absorbs quickly into your skin to moisturize and protect against dryness for 48 Hours; Lasts through showering
O'Keeffe's Skin Repair helps prevent flare ups associated with dry, itchy skin
For best results, apply daily after bathing or as often as needed through the day
O’Keeffe’s Skin Repair is safe for skin that is impacted by Diabetes and Eczema
This concentrated, highly effective body moistureizer heals, relieves and repairs extremely dry, itchy skin. When Used Daily, O’Keeffe’s Skin Repair is clinically proven to: Provide instant relief Moisturize and protect against dryness for 48 Hours Help prevent flare ups associated with dry, itchy skin Absorb quickly into your skin Last through showering Safe and Effective for skin that is impacted by Diabetes and Eczema. Directions: Apply a small amount to dry skin - it's all you need. Reapply as needed throughout the day. Note: Packaging may vary between yellow or white bottles. Dispensing Tips: Our body moisturizer is highly concentrated and thicker than many other lotions. If you experience any difficulty in getting the product to dispense with the pump you may want to try the following: Shake the bottle to redistribute the lotion. Unscrew the cap and lift the entire pump out of the bottle a bit, then set it back on the bottle and screw the cap back on so it is tight and does not move. This is putting air back in the bottle which helps in releasing the pump to dispense the lotion. It may also take extra priming of the pump to draw the lotion up into the straw for dispensing.
Top reviews from the United States
A lifesaver for my dry skin
I have never found lotion that can help my dry skin. One day I decided to see if the brand that makes my hand lotion makes skin lotion and they do! It works just as well as the hand lotion, but this stuff is meant for your body so I find it works a little better for that
If you are always itchy and basically get scales your skin is so dry, grab this.