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Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de retrouver la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui s’appelle tout simplement Opti-Force-Force Equine Fly Mask-Horse Fly Mask with UV Protection and Insect Repellent, Adjustable. Si vous l’avez apprécié, n'hésitez pas à like le contenu pour ainsi soutenir l’auteur de la vidéo !
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On espère que vous avez aimé cette vidéo et qu'on ne s'était pas trompé en vous la proposant, en effet Opti-Force-Force Equine Fly Mask-Horse Fly Mask with UV Protection and Insect Repellent, Adjustable est une vidéo qui intéresse bon nombre des internautes en ce moment. Nous espérons vous retrouver au plus vite sur Allo Trends, d’ici là vous allez pouvoir regarder d’autres vidéos de Smart Shop en cherchant un peu sur notre plateforme dédiée. Si vous avez déjà fait le tour, allez sur Youtube, le contenu y est quasi infini !
On se retrouve bientôt pour un nouveau contenu sur Allo Trends, et en attendant on se dit Ciao à la prochaine !
À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Opti-Force-Force Equine Fly Mask-Horse Fly Mask with UV Protection and Insect Repellent, Adjustable publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
Opti-Force-Force Equine Fly Mask-Horse Fly Mask with UV Protection and Insect Repellent, Adjustable
Amazon Product Link:
MAXIMUM PROTECTION: Protects your horse from harmful UV rays and insect pests, such as mosquitos, ticks, biting flies, and fleas
TREATED WITH INSECT SHIELD REPELLENT: Insect Shield Repellent Gear provides built-in, invisible, and odorless insect protection for exposed areas around the mask, including muzzle and ears
DESIGNED FOR COMFORT: Comfortable design keeps the mask off the face and away from the eyes of the horse while remaining snug to keep out dirt, dust, and debris
MADE TO LAST: Tear-resistant Clear View Vision mesh is highly durable, light weight, and effective at shielding your horse from UV rays and insects
EQUI-GLO NITE REFLECTOR: Makes it easy to see your horse in the dark
While some masks protect, there's one proven to repel. Insect Shield Equine Fly Mask from Opti-Force is made with an effective built-in insect repellent proven to repel biting flies, mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks. The Permethrin-infused Insect Shield mask provides built-in, invisible, and odorless insect protection for exposed areas around the mask, including the muzzle and ears. Comfortable Clear View Vision mesh shields your horse from insects and harmful UV rays while maintaining maximum comfort and durability. It can withstand long days in the pasture and sits away from the face and eyes to eliminate irritation for all-day wear. The tear-resistant material is highly durable and lightweight, making this equine fly mask a favorite among horse owners everywhere. Insect Shield Equine Fly Mask from Opti-Force is offered in a standard horse size and an oversized Warmblood XL size, each with two adjustable straps to ensure a perfect fit for your horse.
Top reviews from the United States
The edges do not collect sticky seeds
Any horse will get off or tear its fly mask if it really wants to. This one has edges with no puffyness or fur so air circulates thru better. She got it stuck on soft barb wire and it came off. Did not rip. Thats good. Ill be repeat buying when i need a new one. Hope they are still making them