Penn-PLAX Bird Life Multicolored and Flexible Rope Perch – Create Fun, Colorful Curves and Bends

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Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de retrouver la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui s’appelle tout simplement Penn-PLAX Bird Life Multicolored and Flexible Rope Perch – Create Fun, Colorful Curves and Bends. Si vous l’avez apprécié, n'hésitez pas à like le contenu pour ainsi soutenir l’auteur de la vidéo !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Penn-PLAX Bird Life Multicolored and Flexible Rope Perch – Create Fun, Colorful Curves and Bends publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Penn-PLAX Bird Life Multicolored and Flexible Rope Perch – Create Fun, Colorful Curves and Bends
Amazon Product Link:

FLEXIBLE ROPE FOR A CUSTOM EXPERIENCE: Multicolored rope perch bends and contours, allows for a variety of mounting locations and shape within your pet’s cage. Keep your pet active and engaged by playfully creating loops and curves in the bird perch
GREAT FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM BIRDS: The rope on this bird perch is 17.75” long with a 0.63” (5/8”) diameter. Suitable for Parakeets / Budgies, Parrotlets, Lovebirds, and Cockatiels, along with other small and medium sized birds
EASY AND SECURE MOUNTING: Our rope bird perches attach to virtually any bird cage in a matter of seconds! To secure to a wire cage, unscrew both blue caps, place the wire in space between the threads, and screw both caps back into place
MEASUREMENTS: Overall Length = 21” / Rope Length = 17.75 / Rope Diameter = 0.63” (5/8”) / Blue Mounts = 1.6” each
SHOP PENN-PLAX FOR ALL YOUR PET’S NEEDS: PENN-PLAX is a manufacturer and distributor of top quality pet supplies, who specialize in creating excellent pet products for animals, both great and small

Top reviews from the United States
Know your birds
Rope perches are known as unsafe in the bird owner world because if a bird chews on them and ingests the fibers, it can cause a crop impaction, which can be fatal or result in an expensive surgery. I would never buy a rope perch for my caique because he is an avid chewer and he especially loves to chew on soft things. I’ve never seen him try to swallow anything he chews on, but it would only take one time. My parakeets, however, are not strong chewers and are happy to chew on their toys and cuttlebone and leave their perches alone. Both parakeets are disabled—one has a badly splayed leg that sticks way out to the side, and the other has use of both legs but only one foot. They both seem to prefer this perch over all of their other ones, and they have quite a variety. They both only have one good leg to stand on, so their good legs get twice the amount of use and stress as they normally would. This perch is soft and easy for them to grip. I also love that it’s poseable—I have one of these bent into a W shape attached to the front door of their cage. This is where they now spend most of their time. The one with the splayed leg can grip it with his good leg and rest his other leg on it. If you have a bird that isn’t a strong chewer, but you’re still worried about them ingesting the fibers, you can wrap it in vet wrap (also known as coban for humans). You need to know your bird though—even vet wrap wouldn’t be enough to keep my caique safe with this perch.