PetAg Fresh 'n Clean Medi-Cleen Medicated Shampoo - Fragrance Free - For Scaling Dandruff,

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Voici donc aujourd’hui la dernière vidéo de la chaîne youtube Smart Shop. Elle s’appelle PetAg Fresh 'n Clean Medi-Cleen Medicated Shampoo - Fragrance Free - For Scaling Dandruff, et comme vous vous en doutez, elle intéresse déjà beaucoup les internautes. Vous pouvez la retrouver juste ici.

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo PetAg Fresh 'n Clean Medi-Cleen Medicated Shampoo - Fragrance Free - For Scaling Dandruff, publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

PetAg Fresh 'n Clean Medi-Cleen Medicated Shampoo - Fragrance Free - For Scaling Dandruff,
Amazon Product Link:

Fragrance-Free and Non-Irritating: Helps dogs suffering from dry skin or dandruff
Medicated Dog Shampoo: Made with ingredients that help to soften the skin
Fresh ’n Clean Shampoo: For itchy skin relief
Fresh 'n Clean Dog Shampoo: Results to a healthy, nourished skin and helps stop excessive itching
Excellent Care Solution: PetAg delivers top-quality products for owners and animal professionals
Top reviews from the United States
Finally, something that worked!
My dog is an 8 months old terrier mix that I adopted a few months ago from a rescue. As the months passed she became very itchy and developed terrible dandruff--we're talking very visible flakes that were so bad you could see them fly off when she would shake herself. It was determined by the vet that she has a grain allergy and since then I have been trying to get her diet figured out and find something to help with dandruff. I have tried four different shampoos since having her (generic puppy shampoo from Petsmart which I bought before adopting her, Fresh n Clean Oatmeal and Baking Soda, Earth Bath Tea Tree and Aloe, and now this one) and this one finally worked! it took about three baths before it started to have an effect, so if you buy it and your dog still has dandruff after the first bath do not get discouraged. Normally, the dandruff reappeared after baths almost as soon as her fur was dry. We are now on the third day after her bath and still no dandruff! She is also scratching much less than she did before I began using this shampoo (which may have something to do with her adjusted diet as well). I am so happy that she's no longer itchy and her coat looks great. I highly recommend this shampoo to any pet owner searching for a solution to their pet's dandruff and itchy skin!