PetRageous 10044 Doodle Pet Plastic Spill Proof Placemat for Dogs and Cats Dining Area 19-Inch Long

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Nous vous proposons aujourd’hui de retrouver la dernière vidéo de la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop qui s’appelle tout simplement PetRageous 10044 Doodle Pet Plastic Spill Proof Placemat for Dogs and Cats Dining Area 19-Inch Long. Si vous l’avez apprécié, n'hésitez pas à like le contenu pour ainsi soutenir l’auteur de la vidéo !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo PetRageous 10044 Doodle Pet Plastic Spill Proof Placemat for Dogs and Cats Dining Area 19-Inch Long publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

PetRageous 10044 Doodle Pet Plastic Spill Proof Placemat for Dogs and Cats Dining Area 19-Inch Long
Amazon Product Link:

Protects floors from spills and messes
Fashionable pet dining ware
Dishwasher and microwave safe
Helps to organize the pet dining area
Adds to home décor
Top reviews from the United States
Great Placemat for My Messy Cat!
My 10-year-old cat is very messy when she drinks her water. I've actually watched her and she will stick her paw in her water bowl, lick her paw, repeat, repeat, until she decides to drink from her bowl like a normal cat. Because of this, she gets water all over the floor near her bowl and, when dirt and her food mix in with the water, it can create a mess. I decided to find her a placemat to solve this problem plus add a little bit of decor to her feeding area. When I searched on here for placemats, this was one of the first ones to come up. I liked the design, the reviews were good, and the price was excellent so I ordered it.
This placemat has already done a great job of keeping my cat's feeding area clean. The mat measures 19 inches long and 11 3/4 inches wide. It's made of thick plastic that will clean easily. The mat is actually fairly similar in looks and size to a placemat that people use. So far, I haven't had it slide around on the floor but we also have a big automatic feeder plus a bowl of water sitting on it so it's weighed down pretty well. We have water bowls that are about 5 1/2 inches in diameter and I can easily fit three bowls on the mat if I wanted to but one water bowl and the automatic feeder take up all of the space currently. The biggest reason I chose this placemat is the adorable design! I love the bright, colorful words like "love," "cuddle," "snuggle," and "sleep" that are printed all over the mat. The background of the mat is slightly opaque so you can see through it but not that much. It's kind of like a frosted shower curtain. So far the words haven't started to peel off at all and only when I scraped my nail really hard on it did some of the lettering come off and it was barely enough to notice.