PetSafe Boundary Wire for Electric Dog and Cat Containment Fences

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La chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a publié aujourd’hui une nouvelle vidéo qui s’appelle PetSafe Boundary Wire for Electric Dog and Cat Containment Fences. Vous voulez découvrir cette vidéo et la regarder en streaming, vous êtes chanceux on vous l’a mis de côté !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo PetSafe Boundary Wire for Electric Dog and Cat Containment Fences publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

PetSafe Boundary Wire for Electric Dog and Cat Containment Fences
Amazon Product Link:

STRONG, LASTING WIRE: 16-gauge solid copper wire is thick and durable to increase the life of your in-ground Fence and keep your best friend safe inside your yard
500 FEET OF WIRE: Expand your pet’s current play area up to 1/3 acre or repair a wire break
COMPATIBILITY: This 16-gauge solid copper wire works with any PetSafe in-ground Fence system
Let backyard play time continue with PetSafe solid copper 16 gauge wire. Use the 500 feet of solid copper wire to expand your dog or cat’s current play area up to 1/3 acre, repair a wire break or to set up a new in-ground Fence boundary. This thick, long-lasting wire works with any PetSafe In-Ground Fence system. PetSafe brand is here to help you and your pet live happy together.

Includes 500 ft spool of 16 gauge wire, 2 gel filled splice capsules and 2 wire connectors.

Top reviews from the United States
The Old Lady Next Door Has A Ring Doorbell Now!!
My neighbor of 20+ years, who never used to complain about anything and was rarely home, has now purchased a ring doorbell. She also retired when Covid started, so now she's home all the time. You're probably thinking, 'what does this have to do with an in-ground dog system?' EVERYTHING!! Now she has nothing better to do with her time than notice when my dog crosses her property line. And on top of that, the ring doorbell sends her a notification on her phone every time my dog shows up on her front porch to sniff around the piles of crap she has so lovingly collected over the years. Then she forwards it to my phone!!! My daughter and I (and even my son's girlfriend pitched in to help) placed the wire all around my yard using a spade to break open the ground and a stick to push it in the crevice. It took us about 3-4 hours over the course of 3 days to cover about a 1/2 acre. It is very hot in NC during the summer, and we only worked a few minutes at a time. We could have done it in a day if it was wintertime. It was easy to splice it into the wire that came with the system. There are splicing instructions in the manual. NOW, I have stopped receiving picture texts of my dog next to a pile of used skids with straw dolls, broken flower pots and pieces of the last decade's BBQ grill on top!!!!! Thank you Petsafe Boundary Wire!