Pokémon Ultra Moon - Nintendo 3DS

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En effet, la chaîne Youtube Smart Shop a décidé aujourd’hui de poster une nouvelle vidéo qui porte le titre de “Pokémon Ultra Moon - Nintendo 3DS”. Évidemment, vous pouvez dès à présent la retrouver en lecture intégrale sur notre site pour votre plus grand plaisir !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Pokémon Ultra Moon - Nintendo 3DS publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Pokémon Ultra Moon - Nintendo 3DS

Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B071JQQ9PK/?tag=hanh68-20

A new light shines on the Alola region!
Take on the role of a Pokemon Trainer and encounter Pokemon, uncover new tales, and Unravel the mystery behind the two forms reminiscent of the legendary Pokemon.
These new titles power up the Pokemon Sun and Pokemon moon content with new story additions and features, earning them the name “ultra!” another adventure is about to begin!
IGN: "...easy to recommend to any Pokemon fan."Shacknews: "...streamlined, augmented in all the right ways, and bursting with content"
Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) Content Description: Mild cartoon violence

Top reviews from the United States
It's not all new, but it's not "exactly the same" by any stretch of the definition either.
I am kind of perplexed by all the one star reviews complaining it's the same game. The Ultra Sun/Moon games are essentially remakes/remasters with all new content and drastic storyline changes to the originals, and have always been marketed as such. It's not intended to be a completely different game as, say, from Red/Blue to Gold/Silver. It's better to think of these as alternative versions to the original games because that's exactly what they are. Expectations should be adjusted accordingly.

While many locations and a lot of key plot elements are unchanged early on, the experience is significantly different from the get-go in a variety of ways. A lot of scenes are executed much differently (such as the way in which you get your starter), you are chased by an entirely new villain organization with a brand new plot line attached throughout, virtually all characters from major NPCs to simple villagers have new dialogue and quests, there are new areas to find and explore, there are TONS of new secrets and quests ranging from simple and obvious to more obscure and rewarding, there are a LOT more classic Pokemon throughout the entire game to encounter and catch from every generation, not just the legendaries... the list goes on. The latter half of the game plays out VERY very differently with all new events and locations,