Primula The Big Iced Tea Maker Tritan Plastic Infusion Beverage Pitcher with Leak Proof

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Bon et bien c’est bientôt le moment de conclure ce papier, vous pouvez revoir la vidéo Primula The Big Iced Tea Maker Tritan Plastic Infusion Beverage Pitcher with Leak Proof si vous le souhaitez, elle devrait être encore disponible quelque temps. Vous avez déjà regardé la vidéo en entier ? Pensez à checker notre site pour trouver d’autres contenus liés à Smart Shop, on en a pas mal de disponible et de nouvelles vidéos arrivent très prochainement, faites nous confiance !

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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Primula The Big Iced Tea Maker Tritan Plastic Infusion Beverage Pitcher with Leak Proof publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Primula The Big Iced Tea Maker Tritan Plastic Infusion Beverage Pitcher with Leak Proof
Amazon Product Link:

QUALITY DESIGN- The last pitcher you’ll ever need for crafting your own impressive, delicious and healthy iced tea, the Primula Big Iced tea pitcher includes a fine mesh brew core cores for various infusing and brewing purposes. The BPA free Tritan pitcher is odor and stain resistant, and was masterfully designed with a perfect pour spout, a leak proof and keep-fresh airtight lid, and a soft touch inset silicone handle.
EASY TO MAKE ICED TEA- Make a large amount of refreshing iced tea without the hassle or clean-up of other Iced tea makers with this big Iced tea pitcher, which makes up to 1 full gallon of iced tea - just the way you like it. Make iced tea using your favorite loose leaf or bagged tea and infuse your tea with your preference of fruits or herbs like citrus, peaches, strawberries, sugar and more. You can make iced tea in just a few easy steps and then easily store and serve all from one attractive iced tea pitcher.
LEAF PROOF LID- The airtight and leak-proof lid is perfect for keeping iced tea fresh in the fridge so you can enjoy your iced tea for days.
MAKE ICED TEA IN A FLASH- Quickly make iced tea in a matter of seconds with the unique design. The fine mesh stainless steel filter strains iced tea so you can enjoy pure iced tea without worrying about sediment getting into your beverage.
EASY TO CLEAN- This iced tea pitcher is completely dishwasher safe so you can easily place in the dishwasher for quick cleaning. It’s that easy.

Top reviews from the United States

Excellent Design!
This pitcher makes great iced tea! Cold brew or sun tea! The basket makes adding the tea sachets or even loose tea leaves easy to place in water & remove-cleaning is easy as the basket unscrews at the bottom & the handle of the pitcher unscrews so you can easily clean the crevasses~So many reviewers mentioned it was difficult to clean they obviously didn't realize how easily the parts unscrewed to clean. I'm so glad I read the review from someone who had the pitcher for quite awhile before they realized you could unscrew the handle for cleaning. This is a beautiful well designed pitcher & I'm really glad I bought it!