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Nous espérons que vous avez apprécié cet article, et que la vidéo PureAyre – All-Natural Plant-Based Pet Odor Eliminator – Pure, Powerful, and Completely Safe a répondu à toutes vos attentes. Nous croisons les doigts pour que vous reveniez très vite sur Allo Trends pour suivre les prochaines vidéos de Smart Shop, pensez à aller faire un tour aussi sur Youtube pour trouver d’autres contenus exclusifs.
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À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo PureAyre – All-Natural Plant-Based Pet Odor Eliminator – Pure, Powerful, and Completely Safe publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :
PureAyre – All-Natural Plant-Based Pet Odor Eliminator – Pure, Powerful, and Completely Safe
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B000ITUBH0/?tag=hanh68-20
THE STRONGEST ODOR ELIMINATOR - The only odor eliminator on the market strong enough to tackle the worst animal odors like cat urine and skunk, yet safe enough to spray directly on people and pets.
FOOD-GRADE & SAFE – PureAyre is the only food-grade odor eliminator available. That means that PureAyre is the safest and surest way to get rid of disgusting smells, even around food, and on people and pets.
SMELLS ARE PERMANENTLY REMOVED - When you spray PureAyre in the air or on surfaces powerful enzymes break apart the molecular bonds of odor-causing compounds to eliminate both odors and harmful contaminants. Smells are permanently removed when the molecular bonds are broken.
ALL NATURAL - PureAyre is made from an all-natural combination of plant derived enzymes without the use of chemicals, bacteria or alcohol.
REMOVES STAINS - Veterinarian recommended food grade formula provides a safe and powerful way to eliminate pet odors and pollutants as well as remove stains.
100% Food Grade
Powerful and Versatile
Safe To Spray On People/Pets
Instantly Eliminates All Organic & Chemical Odors. Not a cover-up
100% Readily Biodegradable
Top reviews from the United States
THE best product for odor removal... sweat, cat urine, etc. Pure Ayre gets rid of it all!
This is the best stuff ever. I've been using PureAyre for probably 15 years (before they were featured on Shark Tank -- they were known in animal rescue communities as being a safe product to use around pocket pets for their often times interesting odors (ie: sugar glider musk scent)). I've been out of the pocket pet rescue "business" for a while now, but I still use PureAyre for so many things. Baby/toddler smells... cat urine -- oh my gosh, cat urine! It actually GETS RID OF cat urine smell. Even the smelliest cat urine stench from "marking". You do need to use it CONSISTENCY for a while though to fully get rid of the cat urine smell. PureAyre also removed an awful set in sweat stench from boxing gloves. My husband and I do kickboxing about five times a week. Our gloves started smelling something awful. After about one to two weeks of consistency spraying our gloves after each work out, the scent went away. Now we spray inside our gloves after each workout to prevent any odor, and after about three years, our gloves are odor free! The same process goes for getting rid of cat urine smell. You have to be consistent in the use of the product for one-two weeks to fully break down the odor causing bacteria. Then it's gone for good! WE LOVE PUREAYRE! I tell everyone who kickboxes or has a problem cat about PureAyre.