Purina Fortiflora Cat Probiotic Powder Supplement

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Quand nous avons vu pour la première fois la vidéo Purina Fortiflora Cat Probiotic Powder Supplement de la chaîne Smart Shop, nous savions que notre communauté aimerait la regarder en streaming au plus vite. Nous nous sommes donc empressé d'écrire cet article pour le publier dans les plus brefs délais.

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Vous avez maintenant toutes les informations sur la vidéo Purina Fortiflora Cat Probiotic Powder Supplement, on espère que ça vous convient et que vous y avez trouvé votre intérêt. Vous avez déjà regardé la vidéo en entier ? Pensez à checker notre site pour trouver d’autres contenus liés à Smart Shop, on en a pas mal de disponible et de nouvelles vidéos arrivent très prochainement, faites nous confiance !

Mesdames et messieurs, nous arrivons à la fin de cet article Allo Trends, nous espérons que vous avez pris beaucoup de plaisir à lire, enfin au moins autant que nous on a eu à l’écrire !

À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Purina Fortiflora Cat Probiotic Powder Supplement publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Purina Fortiflora Cat Probiotic Powder Supplement
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B00B7N5JJG/?tag=hanh68-20

A nutritional probiotic supplement with high levels of antioxidants
Safe and effective in restoring normal intestinal health and balance
Promotes a healthy immune system
Probiotic supplement for dietary management of cats and kittens with diarrhea
Easy to use single packets

Purina FortiFlora Feline Nutritional Supplement contains the beneficial microorganisms found naturally in your cat's digestive system to help manage and shorten episodes of diarrhea. Common causes of diarrhea for cats and kittens include food changes, antibiotic therapy and environmental stress.

Top reviews from the United States
It was like a miracle
I have a cat with a sensitive stomach that can sneak and eat some of her sister's food (a different brand) and immediately get diarrhea the next day and it is hard to get rid of. I mix this in her food and it stops it. I first was introduced to it when my cats got tried some raw type canned food and both became ill with fevers, vomiting and diarrhea. The vet prescribed Hills I/D and the Fortiflora mixed with it. It was like a miracle. I had tried everything before taking them to the vet. Within a day this took care of it. After my sensitive cat ate some of her sister's food and got diarrhea again. I used this and it worked. I now mix it with her food on a daily basis and it keeps her with a solid stool. If she starts with the vomiting I switch back to the Hill's I/D with the Fortiflora mixed in and the vomiting stops also. After a few days I switch her back to her regular food with the Fortiflora added to it. I don't care for Purina products but these two do the trick. If a cat vomits or has diarrhea all the time they are going to have dehydration that can be life threatening and what good is food with the best ingredients if they throw it up. I would rather use these two products (even though I don't like the ingredients) if it keeps her food in her and settles her stomach till I can get her back on track eating her regular food. I am glad I found both products on Amazon.