Purina Friskies Tasty Treasures with Cheese Adult Wet Cat Food - (24) 5.5 oz. Cans

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Quand nous avons vu pour la première fois la vidéo Purina Friskies Tasty Treasures with Cheese Adult Wet Cat Food - (24) 5.5 oz. Cans de la chaîne Smart Shop, nous savions que notre communauté aimerait la regarder en streaming au plus vite. Nous nous sommes donc empressé d'écrire cet article pour le publier dans les plus brefs délais.

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On est bientôt à la fin de la news sur la vidéo Purina Friskies Tasty Treasures with Cheese Adult Wet Cat Food - (24) 5.5 oz. Cans, toute l’équipe Allo Trends espère que vous l’avez trouvé intéressante à lire. Nous croisons les doigts pour que vous reveniez très vite sur Allo Trends pour suivre les prochaines vidéos de Smart Shop, pensez à aller faire un tour aussi sur Youtube pour trouver d’autres contenus exclusifs.

Mesdames et messieurs, nous arrivons à la fin de cet article Allo Trends, nous espérons que vous avez pris beaucoup de plaisir à lire, enfin au moins autant que nous on a eu à l’écrire !

À titre informatif, vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous la description de la vidéo Purina Friskies Tasty Treasures with Cheese Adult Wet Cat Food - (24) 5.5 oz. Cans publiée par la chaine Youtube Smart Shop :

Purina Friskies Tasty Treasures with Cheese Adult Wet Cat Food - (24) 5.5 oz. Cans
Amazon Product Link: http://amazon.com/dp/B0085JN424/?tag=hanh68-20

Twenty-Four 5.5 oz Cans - Purina Friskies Pate Wet Cat Food, Tasty Treasures With Liver, Turkey & Chicken
Liver. turkey and chicken flavors for the tastes cats love. Smooth pate texture is pleasing to her palate
High in protein. 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for adult cats
Contains essential vitamins and minerals. Enticing aroma tempts her to her dish
Checked for quality and safety. Formulated to meet industry standards for cat food

Delight your cat with a smorgasbord of poultry goodness when you open a can of Purina Friskies Tasty Treasures With Liver, Turkey & Chicken Pate wet cat food. This yummy recipe features a combination of liver, turkey and chicken flavors that cats crave. Our recipe is high in protein to help support your cat's strong muscles so she can pounce and play with ease. The smooth pate texture pleases her palate, and the rich aroma lets her know something delicious is filling her dish. Each serving of this wet cat food entree delivers 100% complete and balanced nutrition for the maintenance of adult cats plus essential vitamins and minerals to support her overall health. Let her revel in the sensational flavor combination found in every can, and rest easy knowing she's getting a high-quality meal every time you fill her dish with this Friskies Tasty Treasures recipe. We proudly manufacture this canned cat food in Purina-owned U.S facilities for your assurance of quality and safety.

Top reviews from the United States
A winner for my felines!
The Tasty Treasures PATE with Beef with Liver is a favorite at our house, especially for my beef loving guy.

I buy a lot of pate flavors and mix them up, but this one is always a favorite in the mix. One thing I like it about it is that the price is consistently a bit lower for the 24 pack than a lot of the other 24-pack flavors, which my boys don't even like more.

If you haven't tried this one, it's lower cost makes it worth the gamble.

Interestingly, the price on this one jumped up for awhile at the top of the pandemic, so I bought some better "bargains" and took this one off the list to await the return to the better price. I just re-ordered a box and served it to the beef-lover. He inhaled it and asked for more. So glad, because he's been turning his nose up at a few others, lately. I now stack the cans with his least faves between his preferred cans...